I've been with my girlfriend since the beginning of September. Because of our distance, she offered to give me access to her email accounts so I'd know she wasn't doing anything I didn't know about. So she gave me 3 email accounts. Not that strange these days. I notice that she had gotten an email before from her EX saying that he would be in town the just a few days after we became an official couple. I got the impression from the way she dressed that she was going out at night, but also figured she could have worn the clothes she had on to work. To make a long story short, I think she was seeing him then. They met on th same website we did. Since I'm an IT guy, I found a few other email addresses of hers. She had over 7 accounts and at least 5 dating website accounts...some had other names possible nicknames though. Bottom line...what are the real indicator that she could be a video girl/scammer or something, or is it just coincidence? I found out that she had several skype accounts too/yahoo IM accounts too with at least 10 names blocked. I can say she's never really asked me for anything, but I've given her plenty. I thought she should have it. So I don't count that against her. She did say she can't really live off of what she makes..about 5000 pesos a month (give or take.) But I've never seen her without anything. Her clothes look great, always well kept, expensive cell phone (said her mom bought it), internet at home, and etc. I try to keep an open mind an not accuse but who would admit to that if she actually was...problem is, i'm sure she still has accounts I don't know about. I just don't know if she uses them actively. So do I let it go in trusting her, or pursue answers? I do believe in second chances, even if she was like that before (nobody's perfect), I just don't have any experience with actual scammers so I don't know what things to look out for... BUT I DON'T WANT TO BE PLAYED LIKED A FOOL EITHER. Any advice/thoughts would be great (especially from other women) Thanks for listening...
