I tend agree with tomboo.
In my opinion, if it really doesn't feel right, it's probably not right, and better you move on. Plenty of genuine, honest hard working ladies out there.

Nobody can really advise you what to do. It's totally your own choice.

You already made an emotional investment that is begining to worry you.
Enough worry that you did some 'digging'and found out even more worries.

Please understand that a scammer is not going to put a gun to your head and rob you.
A scammers objective is to get you to part with your money of your own free will.
As long as there's contact and you are saying anything that sounds like 'maybe', the real scammer will continue to believe they can milk you for more. Scammers don't believe you will not send more.
After all, you've already sent some money!!

If you really feel so much doubt, but you want to 'dig' deeper why not consider creating another account on the known dating sites you discovered, register yourself and write to her from a false name.

No offence intended.
Just my opinion.