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Thread: Need advice

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Need advice

    I am new here and please be gentle.Thank you. I really need advice. I used to live and work in UK and have a PR.Recently i apply for entry clearance as returning resident to uk was refused on grounds that I have left UK more than 2 years.I did asked the staff at the High Commission and she said I still can visit and work there provide I apply for visitor visa for the former and work permit for the latter. I actually want to visit my friend in UK as I have not been back to visit for a long time.What are my chances of getting my visitor visa?I have friends who is settle and I am staying with her .She is giving me accomodation and food.Also I do not intend to overstay or work illegally because I am a nurse with practising nursing license from UK ,Aust and Malaysia.I do not want to jeopardise my license/registration.During my time in UK ,I have paid my tax and have good track wrok record.I have never do anything illegally.
    Now is just a question of whether the entry clearance officer will grant me the visa.I planned to saty for 4 to 6 weeks and I do have a job I have to go back to nursing.Also ,I have lots of friends working in different hospital and my Senior Nurse who has retired whom I want to spend sometime with them.Can anyone advise and tell me my chances?(I have make a lot of good freinds whilst I am there and now I want to visit and spend time.Also I want to visit some places in UK with my friends that drive.)All help is very much appreciate ,thank you kindly.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    PR you mean you had ILR ? or you had PR from being married to a EEA national (family permit) ?

    yes you would lose ILR if you had been outside the UK more than 2yrs, but it would be possible to regain it if you could show you had strong ties to the UK (eg family members lived here)

    difficult to get a work permit now, but to get a visit visa, you would have to show you have good reasons to go back to your home country before your visa expires, also you have the funds for your stay, but getting a visit visa is a lottery.

    who knows what your chances are, difficult to say, but its always worth trying, but prepare your visa app well and have good evidence

  3. #3
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Help for application of visitor visa UK

    Thank you. Is it difficult to obtain a visitor visa?I have not intention to stay in UK more than the intended time.I do have my own savings.Yes, I did have ILR but lost it because I have been away more than 2 years .Also , I still have bank account inUK that i need to sort out. Can anyone help me as to how to prepare my application?My friend whom I am going to stay with is willing to send me a letter and also pages of her passport and ILR stamp.How much I supposed to take with me for 4 to 6 weeks stay?
    Is two thousands pounds enough bearing in mind I have food and accomodation provided for.I am just thinking what are the reason for refusal?I have a job to return to after my holiday. And I know is not easy to get work in uK so I am not going there to work .

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