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Thread: Looking for Filipino Women :-)

  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access) pelfed's Avatar
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    Red face Looking for Filipino Women :-)

    Hello everyone.

    Hope you all had a very good xmas and new year.

    I'm pretty new to all this, but I'd very much like to meet and fall in love with a gorgeous, loving filipino women :-) I think they have beautiful eyes and hold fantastic values (much we could do with more in the UK these days)

    Are there any gorgeous filipino ladies between the ages of 25 and 35 in the UK or Philippines, who would love to meet a genuine UK englishman, who is happy, fun and very loving?

    I'm looking for friendships, dating and hopefully one day marriage.

    I work for myself and run a small company so i'd be able to visit more or less anytime to get acquainted.

    A little more about me.
    I would hate to bore you by telling you how wonderful I am by attaching to my name a bunch of flattering adjectives. I'm sure that you have already found this about a million times already. I believe that words are cheap, but actions speak much louder, so why bother?
    So, on that note lets start with the bad stuff – I'm impulsive and restless at times, I can’t kill a fly, I swear too often, and stay up way too late way too often.
    There is something about the nighttime that I find magical which keeps me up working or hanging out aimlessly. Can you relate to that?
    I have little patience for false and fake people – those who smile while being angry on the inside, as I never know what they keep up their sleeve.
    Consider me crazy, but I really miss school and all the great things I had the opportunity to learn in college. My quest for knowledge is now unstoppable, I simply love to learn and explore.

    If there's anyone out there please P.M me.

  2. #2
    Respected Member gecko_pikachu's Avatar
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    Hi there,

    Is there in any way to contact you offline? maybe email?
    Please let me know.
    Taka care now & Bye!.... Venus

  3. #3
    Respected Member Jimbojac's Avatar
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    Date in Asia Mate!
    Its amazing how many responses you get on there..........
    Be careful though there are scammers!
    Filipino girls are in my mind the loveliest and most compatible for us in the UK.
    I have dated Hong Kong businesswomen as well as had a long relationship years ago with a Thai girl but the Pinay girls are sweet, beautiful, honest, and sexy on the whole especially the ones from the provinces who have been brought up very strictly by very proud parents. My Girlfriend is gorgeous and my friends here cannot believe i have found such an amazing girl, in fact one of my best Mates {an immigration officer!!} is delighted with the girl i found him too!!
    If you need help on the whole internet dating thing refer to some of the postings here or get back to me.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelfed View Post

    I work for myself and run a small company so i'd be able to visit more or less anytime to get acquainted
    If you have this luxury then I'd just head out to the Philippines. You will not be single for very long!

    I met my girlfriend working in a clothes shop. Just got chatting and I asked her out and that was that.

    There is also the OFWs in places like Hong Kong but this usually has to start via the internet.

  5. #5
    Respected Member worthingmale's Avatar
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    good luck

  6. #6
    Newbie (Restricted Access) pelfed's Avatar
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    Hi there - is there a private message system on here? I can't find one?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelfed View Post
    Hi there - is there a private message system on here? I can't find one?
    There is but I think you can only use it when you've been promoted (by posting more ) from Newbie Restricted Access Status

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Manila_Paul View Post
    If you have this luxury then I'd just head out to the Philippines. You will not be single for very long!

    I met my girlfriend working in a clothes shop. Just got chatting and I asked her out and that was that.

    There is also the OFWs in places like Hong Kong but this usually has to start via the internet.
    It's the best way, meet them in person. If it were me, I'd get a flight organised for 5 or 6 weeks time, start chatting to a few and arrange to see the best one/ones while you are out there, but keep your options open and if the ones you meet arent what you expected, don't be put off. There are hundreds of thousands of beautiful genuine Filipina's in and around Manila - Don't fall for any bargirl you meet working in a bar though Most of really westernised and intelligent ones will be working at call centres in the Makati area

  9. #9
    Newbie (Restricted Access) pelfed's Avatar
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    I'm in the fortunate position of having a friend who met a filipino women 10 years ago, so will get some info from him.

    It's my birthday in April, so I'm planning a trip to that region. I've never been short of offers from english women, but they just really are too materialistic and these days less and less values.

    Thats why i'm interested in meeting someone out there, they are such a lovely country and down to earth and proud. Everything this country used to be in by gone days.

  10. #10
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelfed View Post
    Hi there - is there a private message system on here? I can't find one?
    You can receive messages in your profile page, they are public though, so just go careful posting personal details.

    hth and good luck, you are making a good choice
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelfed View Post
    It's my birthday in April, so I'm planning a trip to that region. I've never been short of offers from english women, but they just really are too materialistic and these days less and less values.

    Thats why i'm interested in meeting someone out there, they are such a lovely country and down to earth and proud. Everything this country used to be in by gone days.
    You're talking to the converted here We all know, that's why we are on here.

    All the best for your trip to the region, if you need any tips on best websites/airlines for tickets ..etc to Manila or where to stay and go, ask away, we're all here to help each other

  12. #12
    Newbie (Restricted Access) pelfed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    You can receive messages in your profile page, they are public though, so just go careful posting personal details.

    hth and good luck, you are making a good choice
    I can't even see my profile page 'access denied' or 'computer says no' - strange sinvce if I log out and go in as a guest I can?

  13. #13
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    I am FAR TOO SHY a person to "just fly out there and start meeting girls" !

    I'd always found SE Asian Girls MOST ATTRACTIVE, but hardly ever saw any where I lived (a medium sized town in NW England). But I attended a Wedding a few years ago in Australia and stayed on for a holiday, meeting up with lots of people I'd met through a Pop Star Fan Club, over the 'net.
    While in OZ I saw LOTS of Beautiful SE Asians girls, and even dated a girl from Taiwan a few times.
    When I returned to the UK I joined a Dating Site, and through it I met DOZENS of girls, one of whom "Really Stood Out From The Crowd".
    We got on like a "House On Fire" and it wasn't until we'd both come to the conclusion that we couldn't take our Relationship any further ..... without meeting, face to face, that I scratched together enough money to fly out there and have a holiday with her.
    (Unlike pelfed I've no job and very little savings, so funding a trip to Phil' is a MAJOR problem for me).
    I found an On-Line Dating Agency (the one I used is called Asian Kisses) is an excellent way of finding out what's out there, and I reckon that with time, you can usually weed out the "scammers".

  14. #14
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    I originally went to the Phils as a result of contacts made through a dating agency, although I didn't actually end up marrying any of those initial 'dates'.

    A word of caution though.

    Don't get too carried away with this image of Filipinas being somehow paragons of virtue with old-fashioned values ingrained into them.

    They are all individuals, and live in a much more open and accessible world than they did even 20 years ago, because of the advent of the internet, cable tv and mobile phones.

    People change when introduced into a totally alien culture and deprived of their family and familiar surroundings.

    They can also be influenced by expat Filipinas in the UK, and may finish up expanding their horizons beyond that romantic pedestal that you've been mentally preparing for them to occupy.

    I wish you the best of luck, and there have been plenty of success stories, but I urge you to go into this with your eyes open and as a starting point approach this potential relationship in the same way as you would with any lady, regardless of her background.

    Uprooting the lady, and bringing her to your country is very different than going on a few dates in HER back yard.

    The relationship needs to be REALLY strong and no secrets, nothing hidden.

    Do a lot of research on the Phils, its history and culture (plus the recent changes), study the forums, and really get to know your 'quarry'.

  15. #15
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    I totally agree with Graham - Luckily I have a happy tell to tell 0 With a beautiful Loving Wife - Handsome little boy and NO SECRETS!!!

  16. #16
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    Graham is right, and you really need to do your homework. Spending time in the Phil's and researching the history and culture are the best way to understand how things are over there. I jumped in both feet first with the first Filipina I met 18 months ago (in person in Singapore) and that proved to be a mistake. Forum's like this are a vaulable resource of information and advice from guys who have been there and done it, and genuine Filipina's who can soon tip you off as to what is real and what isn't. 18 months on and I'm much wiser than I was before, and now have a beautiful and completely genuine Filipina girlfriend

  17. #17
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    When I used to go to the Philippines scuba diving, I chatted to so many taxi drivers who mostly told me the same story "If you want love, go to the province".

    I am not saying that city girls are not loving, it is just that I never met one in the city as my beautiful girlfriend from the province became my wife, and she is the best thing that ever happened to me by a million miles

    I would advise anyone interested in meeting a Filipina to go over there with the main intention of just having fun and treat it like a reccy mission.

    Any bloke who is nice, chatty, respectful and fun-loving will meet so many girls his head will spin.

    He can get the lay of the land and ponder his options.
    Don't get tempted and go with a bar girl no matter how horny you are, as there are unspoilt loving beauties who will make you soooooo glad you waited.

    On the other hand, he may meet a true Filipina beauty with dark brown eyes, long black hair and a nature that will make him so glad to be alive and he will not be able to resist.

    Happy days

  18. #18
    Respected Member ampy's Avatar
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  19. #19
    Respected Member ampy's Avatar
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    do you have Fb account, you can add me there ,i some filipina friends who wanted to meet and englishman like you,,,,you might find what you are looking for there,,,

  20. #20
    Member burf316's Avatar
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    Cool Check this out:

    I also want to meet, make friends, and have a serious relationship with an Englishman.
    But i was never married but i have kids already so it's kinda hard to find true love.
    I am just wishing, hoping & praying.
    In God's grace & time, the man of my dreams will soon find me here...

    I wish you luck!

  21. #21
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    hi.. just arrived in London. wants to hangout with Filipino women,

  22. #22
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    Me too.

    What do you know about them ?

  23. #23
    Member yna's Avatar
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    Hi guys, It's been quite a while.. I miss this forum

  24. #24
    Respected Member tone's Avatar
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    I do think the FB is a start to speaking to some Filipina's and I totally relate to your "too shy" had I not been out in the region I never would have found my gorgeous Fiancee. I am a cautious person (stems from my day job) and likes to do a lot of due diligence as I have been completely mullered from a previous marriage so wasnt planning on going through all that again!

    Whatever you decide to do enjoy - and be careful, through my Mahal (Love) I have seen the attitude of some of the girls there and they were not good! Shame because on the surface such nice people and I am just glad my Fiancee hasnt been influenced by their attitudes - as she calls them "plastic friends"....

  25. #25
    Member sexiimulditah's Avatar
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    good luck
    I just do what I want.It's not about what people are saying...It's about Me

  26. #26
    Member necromancer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pelfed View Post
    Hello everyone.

    Hope you all had a very good xmas and new year.

    I'm pretty new to all this, but I'd very much like to meet and fall in love with a gorgeous, loving filipino women :-) I think they have beautiful eyes and hold fantastic values (much we could do with more in the UK these days)

    Are there any gorgeous filipino ladies between the ages of 25 and 35 in the UK or Philippines, who would love to meet a genuine UK englishman, who is happy, fun and very loving?

    I'm looking for friendships, dating and hopefully one day marriage.

    I work for myself and run a small company so i'd be able to visit more or less anytime to get acquainted.

    A little more about me.
    I would hate to bore you by telling you how wonderful I am by attaching to my name a bunch of flattering adjectives. I'm sure that you have already found this about a million times already. I believe that words are cheap, but actions speak much louder, so why bother?
    So, on that note lets start with the bad stuff – I'm impulsive and restless at times, I can’t kill a fly, I swear too often, and stay up way too late way too often.
    There is something about the nighttime that I find magical which keeps me up working or hanging out aimlessly. Can you relate to that?
    I have little patience for false and fake people – those who smile while being angry on the inside, as I never know what they keep up their sleeve.
    Consider me crazy, but I really miss school and all the great things I had the opportunity to learn in college. My quest for knowledge is now unstoppable, I simply love to learn and explore.

    If there's anyone out there please P.M me.
    >>> hi.. sounds like were on the same boat.. i'm rochelle 28,simple filipina working on a paper product industry...

  27. #27
    Facebook Newbie (Moderated Posts)
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    Interesting!!. I just wish one day I will meet a nice Filipino lady.

  28. #28
    Respected Member andy222's Avatar
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    Great reading and some good advice on this post. Appologies for finding it late as I am a NEWBIE. Everytime I go to phils I dont want to come back here. Roll on 10 years time when I retire there..

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by andy222 View Post
    ...............Roll on 10 years time when I retire there..
    Ooooh, that's a big call. Hope it all works out the way you wish.
    Every year that goes by give me more to think about.

  30. #30
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    I thought I'd done that...10 years AGO.

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