you're making me blush.
I'm far from perfect.
I just try to learn from the many many many mistakes I've made in my life.
I think losing my kind, gentle and beautiful fiancee when she was only in her 20s (road accident) had a major effect on me, and made me a more compassionate and understanding person generally. She and her twin sister had been adopted at the age of 6 years by a lovely couple who had spent their lives fostering children. They had adopted another pair of mixed race twins too (boys), as well as having a child of their own AND an adopted girl.
Their house was full of joy.
This shining example of selflessness and human kindness wasn't lost on me, and made me realise that helping others along the way in life can be a pleasure above all else, although perhaps our first instinct is to 'play safe' and walk on by.
It's off-topic on this forum, but here is one of the few pictures I have of my fiancee, may she rest in peace. She is on the left in the blue jumper. Her twin sister is also me. They were both nurses.