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  1. #1
    Respected Member keith britten's Avatar
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    Marrying and living in the Phils

    Hi, I have just joined this site after being a browser for many months and have gained a lot of usefull information from here, thanks to you all.
    I met a Filipina lady online nearly six months ago and over that time we have definately fallen in love and we will meet for the first time in the spring. I plan to marry her and then live in the Philippines. Neither of us are spring chickens, I'm 64 and she's 40 and I know thats a big age difference but despite my attempts to point out the disadvantages of marrying an older guy she still wants to go ahead and so do I. We have all the documentation needed or a marriage licence an idealy I would like to marry her on my first visit but it seems to take 7 weeks to get the marriage licence which would be to long, does anyone know how to fast track it? After we are married I will come back to uk alone and sort out my affairs then hopefully go back to the Phils to live. Here lies my concerns about the Non Quota Visa, ok I have no criminal record and have been a respectable citizen of the uk all my life but the medical scares me to death. Firstly does anyone know how much it will cost to get this medical, I assume that I can't get under the National Health. Secondly, I have'nt seen a doctor for over 50 years and I assume that I'm in good health, but what happens if they discover something at the medical, will this impare my visa application?
    Sorry for rambling on so much but I have a lot of questions and can't seem to get the answers. Thanks for reading.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Type CNI into the search function, top right hand corner...You will require this.
    Once you are in the Philippines & you have changed your CNI, for the Philippine version, you can apply for the marriage license, which will take 10 days.
    Once gained, you are free to marry.

    This answers the first part of your post.

    Are you sure you've thought this through? ...It's a big step, to marry someone you've never met, then move to a difficult country, I'm assuming you've never visited?

  3. #3
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    Whoa, hold your horses there pardner !

    Lots and lots of beautiful Filipinas from 21 upwards, and most happy to marry a guy in his sixties.

    Been there done that.
    In fact I had virtually identical plans way back in 1990.
    I did NOT marry the girl I'd been corresponding with for a year, and for whom I'd got all the marriage documentation readied.

    DON'T sell your property (if any) in the UK and rush off to the Phils !

    I suggest you think all this through and get a bit more advice on this forum.

    REALLY there need be no rush.

    Phils is cheap to holiday in, and with respect that is what I suggest you do first.

    May save you a nightmarish future, or alternately bring you many years of happiness because you paused for thought.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post

    DON'T sell your property (if any) in the UK and rush off to the Phils !
    This is particularly important. Don't break ties with the UK because it would very difficult if everything went wrong.

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keith britten View Post
    Hi, I have just joined this site after being a browser for many months and have gained a lot of usefull information from here, thanks to you all.
    I met a Filipina lady online nearly six months ago and over that time we have definately fallen in love and we will meet for the first time in the spring. I plan to marry her and then live in the Philippines. Neither of us are spring chickens, I'm 64 and she's 40 and I know thats a big age difference but despite my attempts to point out the disadvantages of marrying an older guy she still wants to go ahead and so do I. We have all the documentation needed or a marriage licence an idealy I would like to marry her on my first visit but it seems to take 7 weeks to get the marriage licence which would be to long, does anyone know how to fast track it? After we are married I will come back to uk alone and sort out my affairs then hopefully go back to the Phils to live. Here lies my concerns about the Non Quota Visa, ok I have no criminal record and have been a respectable citizen of the uk all my life but the medical scares me to death. Firstly does anyone know how much it will cost to get this medical, I assume that I can't get under the National Health. Secondly, I have'nt seen a doctor for over 50 years and I assume that I'm in good health, but what happens if they discover something at the medical, will this impare my visa application?
    Sorry for rambling on so much but I have a lot of questions and can't seem to get the answers. Thanks for reading.
    Keith ... to the filipino/uk forum.

    As I understand it, you're planning to travel to the Phils come the Spring. And that's fine. Now, it's none of my business ... but I cannot help feeling that it IS a bit premature for a couple to be contemplating marriage without having actually met in person. You mention being 64 years old - and the lady in question being 40 - a sizeable age gap [by western standards] although not all that unusual in "the greater scheme of things".

    But first and foremost, I do feel you need to meet and spend as much time as possible getting to know one another well; indeed, the British Embassy insist on this as a prerequisite to applying for a Spousal Visa on behalf of a Non-European subject - lest the union be construed as a 'marriage of convenience' - IF (and I'm aware you've said you plan to live in the Philippines) you intend bringing your partner to the UK at some stage in the future.

  6. #6
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Keith..Dont worry too much about the medical..Its all pretty straight forward and The R.P consul told me there has never been a refusal from applicants in the UK..The medical,blood tests,chest Xray etc cost me about 250 Quid..
    I suggest that you come over in the spring on a 59 day visa and extent for as long as it takes for you decide whether or not this woman or the Philippines is for you..It can be a pretty daunting culture shock for first timers which you will either love or hate.. If like me,you decide its where you want to hang your hat,then you can apply here for the 13a non quota..It will be a lot cheaper but there will be some running around at immigration a year on to make your visa permanent..The residence card has to be renewed every 5 years and you will need to report in once a year and pay 300 Pesos.
    Where in the R.P does she come from?? If its anywhere near Manila give me a shout and I`ll help you out with short term/long term accommodation (if you need it) in a safe and secure sub division..There are also people here within our building that can give you free advice and help keep you going in the right direction till you find your feet..

  7. #7
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    Hi Keith, welcome to the forum

    Wise words indeed in the replies. There are quite a few threads on this site giving details and tips about life in the Phils. Please take some time to read them.
    Are you able to give us some more information, such as whereabouts would you plan to live? I take it you have never visited Phils before?

    There's lots of people here who can support and advise you with their experience.
    Please grab the opportunity to learn from them.

  8. #8
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    Hi Keith,

    I would echo what the others have said here regarding the age gap - my wife is 30 years younger than me and it is not a problem to either of us.

    Meet your lady first and spend some time together, then come back to the UK and think things through carefully.
    If you are still in love, plan to go back.

    Don't rush so fast, fast can be ok, but not this fast
    There have been many bad stories, she could be a wonderful lady but be careful
    One male forum member went to meet his mahal and found out it was a man when he landed.
    There have been many stories about scammmers too. I am not saying she is one but you need to be 100% sure.

    Keep some property in the UK if you can, you never know about the future and any health scares and it is a nightmare trying to come back to live in the UK again if you have closed everything down.

    All the best.

  9. #9
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    i cannot add much more then what as been said by all the friends before, just slow down seeing someone face to face is so differant to seeing and talking on the com, go there for a vacation first then see how you feel, yes you may be 64 and thinking of moving to another part of the world which is great but months or even years of planning is needed , she will wait and so will you if you are both ment for each other, good luck

  10. #10
    Respected Member keith britten's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the helpfull advice guys I will take it all onboard. I have been browsing this site for months and have discovered most of the pitfalls but any more advice will be most welcome. As for a scammer, I don't think so, we have been video chatting every day for months and also exchanged gifts through the post,(although the Phils post is a nightmare). I have met her parents and numerous brothers, sisters, cousins, etc online and have even joined in their Christmas and New Year celebrations. She lives in Bago-Oshiro, Davao and runs her own store there and the thought of being a store keeper appeals to me lol. I'm trying very hard to learn some basic visayan so tyhat I know what the customers require. I won't be severing all my ties with the uk but I live in rented accomodation so there's no worries about selling up. Once again thanks or all your help.

  11. #11
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by keith britten View Post
    Thanks for all the helpfull advice guys I will take it all onboard. I have been browsing this site for months and have discovered most of the pitfalls but any more advice will be most welcome. As for a scammer, I don't think so, we have been video chatting every day for months and also exchanged gifts through the post,(although the Phils post is a nightmare). I have met her parents and numerous brothers, sisters, cousins, etc online and have even joined in their Christmas and New Year celebrations. She lives in Bago-Oshiro, Davao and runs her own store there and the thought of being a store keeper appeals to me lol. I'm trying very hard to learn some basic visayan so tyhat I know what the customers require. I won't be severing all my ties with the uk but I live in rented accomodation so there's no worries about selling up. Once again thanks or all your help.
    Its not cheap living in the philippines,...if you dont work or have no job you wont get nothing, in short no benefits...the cost of medical is blooming astronomical,...but i guess youve set your mind and you and your partner is prepared to live a simple filipino,relax enjoy goodluck and have a happy wedding!!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  12. #12
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    Keith, looks like you have done some research. Good for you.
    Lucky you Keith. Davao area is really very nice. (Birth place of my wife)

    If you want to try your hand at learning the language, take a look here:-

    Just check Cebuano in the drop down menu

    I'm sure there are many other sites.

    Keith, living in the Philippines is all about swings and roundabouts. You just need to work out how to swing, when you really want to roundabout, and all is well

    Please ask some of those questions you need to have discussions with. Best way to understand possible solutions and to meet new friends.

  13. #13
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I'm trying very hard to learn some basic visayan so tyhat I know what the customers require
    Your going to pick up visayan quickly serving in a sari-sari or similar small store,I have done it a few times when helping friends out
    I know bago oshiro,let us know when your serving in the store and I might pop in for a cuppa

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  14. #14
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    firstly, hi keith, i am in a similar situation as youself, my philipino gf is 36 yrs old im just gone 56,i have not met her in person yet was supposed to be spending 2 weeks in israel right now, but she had some problem and is going back to philipines next week, glad to say from there she is going to get a tourest visa, come to uk and visit me so to speak, i will return with her to philipines, and get married, i intend to live there, we chatted now approx 2 yrs and not met in person yet, the advice here is priceless, take it all in and concider all possibilitys, i have had great advise, and iv still things to find out,,,,,,,,,,,, such as ,,,,,, if no one minds me buting in here to ask,,none quota visa ?,,,Medical ? is this a requirment to be able to live in philipines ?and is it done here or in philipines ?i know im going senile but im sure i not heard this before , regarding age difference, iv 3 daughters 2 of are married to older guys, there is a trend to that being acceptable here in uk too now, my oldest daughter being married to her own age group and she is the same age as brenda my gf. good luck keith,i wish you happiness, stewart

  15. #15
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Medical ? is this a requirment to be able to live in philipines ?and is it done here or in philipines ?
    No its not a requirement..You can live here for up to 2 years on tourist visas..(leave the country for a day,come back and start over) To acquire a 13a the most important requirement is to be married to a Filipino citizen..You can apply in the UK or over here although better to apply in the UK.
    There are another options for long term stay for those that are not married.. Google search 13b quota visa and SRRV which is a retirement visa for more info..
    Obviously..If you are married and you enter the country with your spouse you can avail of the balikbayan stamp which allows you to stay for one year..Good thing is..Its free.

  16. #16
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    thanks fred, the 13 a is the married visa i take it?. i intend to marry my philipino gf and stay in philipines, only come back to uk if i have health probs ect, i only get 1 year visa if i marry her there, do i at some point get citizenship and no longer require visa?
    so at the moment im concentrating on what i require to marry there and stay, originaly i was going to sell my house after the 1st year, but with all the good advice iv had here,and from brenda my gf too, its now my plan to keep it for much longer and rent it,

    thanks again, stewart

  17. #17
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    No its not a requirement..You can live here for up to 2 years on tourist visas..(leave the country for a day,come back and start over) To acquire a 13a the most important requirement is to be married to a Filipino citizen..You can apply in the UK or over here although better to apply in the UK.
    There are another options for long term stay for those that are not married.. Google search 13b quota visa and SRRV which is a retirement visa for more info..
    Obviously..If you are married and you enter the country with your spouse you can avail of the balikbayan stamp which allows you to stay for one year..Good thing is..Its free.
    sorry, im still dont understand about why and in what circumstances a medical is required,?can anyone clear that up for me ,thanks

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    sorry, im still dont understand about why and in what circumstances a medical is required,?can anyone clear that up for me ,thanks
    Last I heard you need an AIDS test for some resident-type visas.

  19. #19
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    sorry, im still dont understand about why and in what circumstances a medical is required,?can anyone clear that up for me ,thanks
    From what you said before I assumed you wanted a residency permit after you got married in R.P??
    When I applied for mine there was a medical involved.. Some people that have applied in R.P since have said the rules have changed in regards medical requirements..
    I have no idea.. Good news if its true!

    Last I heard you need an AIDS test for some resident-type visas.
    Not true.

  20. #20
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    thanks fred

  21. #21
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    thanks fred, the 13 a is the married visa i take it?
    Its a visa that you can apply for once you are married..If you apply for it here in R.P it will be temporary for one year..You will then need to re apply to make it permanent for 5 years..Apply in the UK and it is permanent for 5 years but there is a days work at B.I here for final processing.
    Once a year you will need to report to any B.I office and pay 310.00 Pesos..
    but with all the good advice iv had here,and from brenda my gf too, its now my plan to keep it for much longer and rent it,
    Probably a very good idea Stewart!

  22. #22
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by uhera_maya18 View Post
    hi! we have the same situation.. i met my husband on the internet and after 10 months of talking on cams, calls, texts.. we decided to get married on our 1st meeting. im 28 and he is 25. we both took a risk on getting married not seeing each other 1st. i understand what the others are telling u not to rush but on our case, we rushed and here we are happy ^_^ now my husband wants to live here and we are also planning to apply the permanent residence just need to sort all whats on their checklist and our problem is what to write on the notarized letter. we have the NSO marriage cert and others just not the letter by me and the BI Clearance.

    Reading your concern, after you apply for permanent residence after the probation, in 5 years you can apply for citizenship. i say applying for permanent residence is cheaper than applying for extensions, we did that last year b4 he went back to Belfast on December it was expensive for us because we have to go back just to extend. He came back this January because we both cant move on with our lives living separately so he decided to live here.

    As of writing this, my husband is beside me. He is saying that he took a big risk coming here, giving up what he has back in Belfast to be here. Well you can say its somewhat exciting but its really up to you. we got married not because we are rushing but because of love. now if you really really feel love, nothing will stop you both from getting married ^_^

    anyway i also need help on what to write on the application letter coz the 1st requirement for permanent residence is a "a duly notarized letter of filipino spouse" need help there. thanks!!! oh and goodluck keith. i would suggest that you get your certificate of legal capacity to get married there and not here in the philippines. once you have the legal capacity from your local hall, just present it in british embassy, will only take 1 day for u to get it.
    interesting he didnt have to go back to Ireland though he could have popped over to hong kong came back the next day and started again I never met a european who bacame a Philipine citizen that would be a first
    Absit invidia

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  23. #23
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    when i go to philipines end of april beginning may, i might be there up to a year , possibly more, i may get married within the 1st few months there, under these circumstances do i need x ray and medical ? anyone know or what circumstanes i would need this, because i have many options and choices what i do, and want to be prepared, if i do need these things, can it be done in philipines? thanks stewart

  24. #24
    Respected Member keith britten's Avatar
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    Hi Stewart, Seems like we will be in the Phils at the same time, I will only be staying for 5 weeks though and then if all goes to plan I will return later in the year to marry my g/f and stay. This whole immigration process is a nightmare especially the 13a, so many views on what you need to do and whats nesesarry and knowone seems to know for sure about the medical. As far as I've made out is that if you marry a Filipia lady and apply for a 13a in the Phils you don't require a medical, (now waiting for someone to correct me on this, lol ). Hope all goes well for you. Keith.

  25. #25
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    I've never heard of any kind of medicals being needed other than when applying for permanent residency. ...which I don't think you'll be doing for a long time yet.

    Main things you'll need to take with you if anticipating getting married there, are notorised cert of non-impediment (to marry) from your solicitor here, and your full birth cert.

    I did all this a long time ago, so others on here may be able to update you.

  26. #26
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    no medical required on tourist visa you can also get the cni here if 120 days is not enough time dont forget any divorce decree absolute not copy full birth cert thats it
    Absit invidia

    DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence

  27. #27
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    thanks keith, yes a nighmare , the marrying staying in phils requirments seem a little short of sure details,i can choose to wait a while in phil, renewing visa untill fully decided, my girl friend wishes to marry soon,and so did i, at 1st before i came to this site i thought staying in phils required a visit to hong kong every 2 months in order to renew visit visa,which made it seem more practical to marry sooner, iv learnt a lot here,from everyone and had excellent advice, i think one piece of good advise is not to sell any uk property if you do have, if all goes wrong it is your bridge back to uk,it is imortant that anything we learn from our experience that we share this with others on here , good luck keith, keep posting your news, like to hear how your getting on , stewart

  28. #28
    Respected Member keith britten's Avatar
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    Hi Stewart, As far as I'm able to work out you can renew a 59 day tourist for up to 16 months by just going to a local immigration office every 59 days without the need to leave and come back. Within that time you can apply for a 13a if you wish to stay and live with your Filipina wife. The Bureau of Immigration requirements for 13a "seem" to be different if you apply in the Phils, (so I have been told). The fact is that no one can seem to give a positive answer to the 13a requirements, the latest info I have from members on this site and others is that if you apply in the Phils a medical is not required.

  29. #29
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    Here are the requirements for 13a visa on Bureau of Immigration website:-

  30. #30
    Member northampton_gir's Avatar
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    You seriously think these women love you guys How stupied can u be For one your old enough to be the fathers grandfathers and they are only in love with one thing ur wallet.
    All these women are trained from birth to prostatute themselfs, so You all need to take one big look at yourselfs open your eyes your being used,
    As for now they tell u they love u yea till your dead they can take all ur belongings and move on to the next uk man
    not only is it wrong its sick.
    Come on would you want your 16 year old daughter marrying at 60 year old man .
    Why you think half the women come to uk?
    Cause the parents marry them off basicly sell them for pasos
    This is just as bad as traficking sick

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