Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
I find your opinion quite offensive and I am sure that all the members here who are happily married or in relationships and have children with a filipina will also be offended by your ludicrous views on our lifestyle.
I will give you my fiancee's phone number so you can explain to her how she is robbing me of my future and tell her that she is a prostitute and only wants me for my money. She will make you feel so small I think you are a joke or are having a good laugh.
I personally think you are very sad, and just because something that happened in your past has tainted your view of the Philippines dont wave that brush at me or my fiancee thank you very much.
If you have nothing good to offer this forum, maybe this is not the right place for you to stay. Your opinion is not very welcome.
I never once mentioned your wife did i?
You are obviously having thoughts in your own head about her to bring her into this
I said 99 percent girls work in bars?
Did u meet your wife in bar did i say you did NO
Take a look at yourself If you are so happy with your life why you waisting it commenting on here? When its not even about you is it Or is it? What matter Hit home did i