Quote Originally Posted by northampton_gir View Post

Ok so not all women there are the same I no some very nice filopino ladies they are my friends,
But what i am saying is cant you see for one moment that they really want you? i no that the women i no wouldnt marrie a uk man because they are not attractied to them because there age,
So why cant u find a women that pretty from uk?
Because these women u are marrying only want one thing and thats your money. you ever watched hostel this it what is happening,
99 percent of these women work in the Bars and sell themselfs everynight
So if they can find one man to sell themselfs to they be happy wont they.
Iam not a rasit at all i like and did love the philopines But all i can see it is trouble
All these uk and american men are being killed out there and the police dont seem to mind ,
If u servive in philopines without being rob or killed you are very very lucky But I am telling you all now you are playing with fire Why do you have to think i am being bad or horrible Iam only telling you how it is go on youtube and watch soco news you see for yourselfs ok

You spell worse than single celled fetus, which probably also has a more realistic view of the real world than your blind alley view.

No one called you a 'rasit'

You seem to think people on here know nothing!! Ya muppet .... they've all had more cultural experiences than you've had English lessons