hahahahaha..funny.. it's not like only the Philippines has the worst crimes in this world..when someone is being one sided and has not had his/her facts straightened out, expect that lots would laugh at your ignorance..
yeah your dad was unlucky for everything that happened to him..but NOT ALL have the same experiences..remember DO NOT GENERALIZE..so if you are so broadminded, does it also mean all UK girls are broadminded? if one UK girl had a baby at a young age, does it mean all UK girls have babies now? if a UK girl got divorce, does it mean all UK girls are divorcee?
think about it girl..these british guys only found the love of their lives and are acting on how they feel..it's not that they don't have a choice to backout if something wrong is going on..
--- from the girl who's working in a multinational IT company and not in a bar as you think 99% of Filipinas do..