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Thread: Marrying and living in the Phils

  1. #121
    Member northampton_gir's Avatar
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    your imagining what happened to your father and if you had seen the death of your father it would have been more traumatic for you,
    I have seen the pictures of my dads Body on his living room floor blood everywhere Because these pictures was publicy put all over the net so yes i have seen my dad lying dead
    And i do understand if i had watched dad have a heart attack i would feel just as bad watching so that must have been so bad for you sorry about your dad

  2. #122
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    It was truely tragic what happened. We see it happen in movies every night on tv but we know it is not real. Seeing your precious loved one, who ever it may be struggling for life, or already passed away is a horror we can never mentally forget. I myself have seen people killed in real life, I have been witness to terrorist bombings, air crashes and road accidents, the sight never leaves you.

    Jess, you say that the images of your Dad when you think of him now are of how he was left lying on the floor, I cannot imagine how I would feel faced with that... but... for the close, loved ones who have left my life, I always try to remember a smile on their face, an happy moment together, remember them calling my name, something that I can remember that makes me smile too. I know it is a huge wall for you to climb to get to that point where you see the happy moments first, but with time you will get there. Now you have a lovely child, you can tell them just what a wonderful person their Grandfather was with a smile in your heart. Stay strong, take care.
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  3. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post stepdad died like SArs father of a heart attack, and i had to try and resuscitate him , something i'll never forget, those minutes til the ambulance came seemed like a life time but i knew he was dead ..

    time is a great healer and i wish you well
    Same thing happened to me with my Mum

    We have to move on, there is no other way...........

    Northampton Gir will also

  4. #124
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by northampton_gir View Post
    I totallly understand you What you mean,
    But what i mean was that if dad had been ill id be expecting it But he was stolen from us because of one man
    I was talking to him the day before he had died I had just had my baby everything was so happy and then 3 days i waited online for dad He never came back Then i was told he was murderd I no if i had had chance to say goodbye i would still be very heartbroken and just as sad But least id have the chance to say the things i need to say if u no what i mean xxxx
    thats how death is most of the time, you dont get to say good bye , my stepdad was in the next room, he could have been dead upto an hour until i saw him, i could have, maybe should have gone and checked on him sooner, maybe help save his life, you cant turn back time, and what is, is .. life is full of regrets and guilt but you just have to keep carrying on one day at a time..

  5. #125
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
    Same thing happened to me with my Mum

    We have to move on, there is no other way...........

    Northampton Gir will also
    yes mrshark, i've been thru the same with my mom, got a call my mom was in hospital, consultant and nurse in A & E took me to the room (been there b4 , i knew what they were going to say ) told me she wouldn't make it, nothing they could do, intensive care wouldn't even take her , they put her on a ward with a free bed to die, but against all odds and with the skill of a couple of consultants she pulled thru, was in a coma for 3 days, spent the next 6 months in hospital.. something kept her going. what i dont know .. that was nearly 6yrs ago

  6. #126
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    Yes joebloggs, death is not easy for the family members left behind but the ones we lose would surely want us all to carry on to the best of our ability

  7. #127
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    I too lost my Dad through heart attack June 21 2008 I was there, I will remember that until the day I die. He was buried July 3, my birthday.

    your life is never the same, you mature very quickly. What was important now pales into insignificance.

    Strangely my niece gave birth to her first born 3 days after dad died as well.

    H ewas poorly for 5 years, deep down, it was expected, he was 78.

    It still hits you like a bolt from the blue.

    Only God knows what you are going through Jess given those traumatic of circumstances.

    My heart and best wishes go out to you and your family.

    Yes, it could quite easily be one of us.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    I too lost my Dad through heart attack June 21 2008 I was there, I will remember that until the day I die. He was buried July 3, my birthday.

    your life is never the same, you mature very quickly. What was important now pales into insignificance.

    Strangely my niece gave birth to her first born 3 days after dad died as well.

    H ewas poorly for 5 years, deep down, it was expected, he was 78.

    It still hits you like a bolt from the blue.

    Only God knows what you are going through Jess given those traumatic of circumstances.

    My heart and best wishes go out to you and your family.

    Yes, it could quite easily be one of us.
    Thank you sorry about your Dad See my Dad was not poorly he was just age 50 and was so full off life he used to love life and wanted to have some fun and happyness i reckon he would have had least another 30 years in him.
    He wanted to make a book about life in philopines but he never finished it
    But you are right anyone could have been murderd that day or any other day Had to be someones dad geuss my dad got the short straw ay And only god will ever no why he created monsters

  9. #129
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    Your Dad, 50 years young, same as me.

    I actually dreamt about this last night. It shook me to the core.

    Ive had a past bad experience of getting involved with a wrong one through my own stupidity, like my daughter aged 28 warned me she was not good for me, I too, took no notice.

    I lost well over 140 thousand pounds for my troubles over a 2 year period. Im truly grateful I lost nothing else.

  10. #130
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    The upside of my tale woe is, Ive a Filipina wife, living in the uk with no immediate plans to go back.

    Even my wife doesn't feel safe there compared to living in the Wiltshire countryside.

    I love my filipina wife to bits, she's the complete opposite to that hell on 2 legs.

    To top it all, we are expecting our first baby boy May 14.

    I know my cloud had a silver lining, so will yours Jess

  11. #131
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post

    T otop it all, we are expecting our first baby boy May 14.
    Hey congrats to both of you Gwap'
    If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up

  12. #132
    Member northampton_gir's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Your Dad, 50 years young, same as me.

    I actually dreamt about this last night. It shook me to the core.

    Ive had a past bad experience of getting involved with a wrong one through my own stupidity, like my daughter aged 28 warned me she was not good for me, I too, took no notice.

    I lost well over 140 thousand pounds for my troubles over a 2 year period. Im truly grateful I lost nothing else.
    I am so glad that you are safe and well for the sake of you and your family
    This is all i was trying to say at the start that some of these women NOT ALL some do this and i beleive in my heart of hearts My Dad would be here today if he had listen to me about this women she used him and the family He was made to pay everything
    The problem with my dad was he trusted to many people
    I could see from day one that this women didnt love dad she loved his wallet
    And he sent off money to get her a visa to move here u no what she did spent it on taking her and her family out buying new clothes and shoes,
    He sent more
    and then he said to me she is sorry she wont do it again
    I no that this killing isnt as clear cut as it is made to be i cannot go into that because of trial but there is nothing i can do now
    But i do not want anyone else to ever go through what i have ever
    And u no the sad thing is this man might walk free and there might be no justice even i no the trial will take 10 to 15 years to finish .
    And as for the uk emberssy they stink they did nothing to help us get dad home nothing i had to begg the world for money to get him home ,
    I was told if i didnt hurry up and pay my dads body would be berried in the philopines a porpers funeral i couldnt bare that for him .
    And when we had managed to raise money to get him i told them i could pay u no what they did?
    Tell me it was more money now because i had to pay for a crate on top of charges to bring him home they ripped us off when we was greifing,
    And you no the uk emberssy sent us emails How to and who to contact because dad was murderd lovley Not one person came to visit to see if we was ok
    And the police here can do nothing or tell us nothing because its different law there,The uk emberssy told me that millions of uk men die and are murderd there every year ,
    I read this online you no what it is money swindle they money swindle british men

  13. #133
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    we are expecting our first baby boy May 14.

    I know my cloud had a silver lining, so will yours Jess
    congrats that is lovley news i am happy for you and your wife you have been lucky in love and life bless you xx

  14. #134
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    Im working Jess so replies are brief sorry.

    I can well believe it, its a total outrage!

    How bad is that, to tell you British men die everyday.

    I got to work again. Ill post again later today

  15. #135
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    Im working Jess. Ill post later on ok.

    I can well believe how you were treated. Outrageous!

  16. #136
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    we all will loose someone some day , just remember the memories you will never loose them

  17. #137
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Im working Jess. Ill post later on ok.

    I can well believe how you were treated. Outrageous!
    Ok cool

  18. #138
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    Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
    Can't beat a bit of irony

    Far from Jess's initial comments being ignorant I would say the opposite is more true. In fact she showed a lot of insight. The description fitted my ex wife to a tee.

    I don't understand why the family friend was banned, Fred told him to let it go, in so many words then steve. R jumps in and bans him. Even after explaining that he was a friend of Jim, cut no ice.

    Bereavement is tough, unless you've been through it, you will never understand it, we say and do things totally out of character.

    I would of thought, given the circumstances, more tolerance and understanding would of been shown.

    Just the opinion of a simple truck driver
    was wondering the same myself as dont see what i said was inflammatory as someone likes to put it! I like the way everyone seems to attack me once im banned and cant reply... I am a good friend to the family and have supported them since the beginning. Thanks for the support gwapito u seem like the only sensible one on here...

  19. #139
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    All you are doing is disrespecting his daughter by continuing your personal rant.
    How about this for me being mature ... you are gone!!
    How am i having a personal rant? All i was doin was sticking up for a friend!

  20. #140
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    Quote Originally Posted by finlay32 View Post
    How am i having a personal rant? All i was doin was sticking up for a friend!
    you are and have been an amazing friend to us through all this and i no my dad would be proud of u and he knows who is true friends are x

  21. #141
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    Quote Originally Posted by northampton_gir View Post
    you are and have been an amazing friend to us through all this and i no my dad would be proud of u and he knows who is true friends are x
    And we will always be here for you.... better be careful what i say tho eh! Some one might take offence!

  22. #142
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    Alls quiet on the western front !!!

  23. #143
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    Quote Originally Posted by finlay32 View Post
    Alls quiet on the western front !!!
    I cant talk at mo was eating me dinner and baby stole broccolie off me plate now she wont let go all hectic now lol

  24. #144
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    Thanks for the congratulations Steve (r), much appreciated

    Also, Finlay thanks for your gratitude, most acceptable although, I was only telling the truth, as I saw it.

    Graham w48 also contributed too!

    Finlay, I guess you weren't cut much slack because of your new status here, that's understandable, you have to earn trust.

    We all make mistakes so, let's forgive and forgot.

    All of us have one main thing in common, our Filipino partners. Yes, we argue so times but, that's friends, we are good people Finlay.

    Unlike facebook etc this forum is not free, it comes at a cost to Keith win2win. Many of us contribute as and when we can, its not compulsory.

    Me personally find this forum a God send.

    Welcome back Finlay, I hope you get as much enjoyment from being a member here, as much as I do.
    Last edited by gWaPito; 17th March 2011 at 20:29. Reason: Spelt Finlay's name incorrectly

  25. #145
    Member northampton_gir's Avatar
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    You have to pay for this site? I didnt pay lol why dont u just make a group on facebook when it is free then?

  26. #146
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    Jess, to be honest, I don't know how it works.

    I know Keith runs a betting business, I think its all interconnected.

    Im sure there's a reason why.

    No one is asked to contribute!
    It states the service is free.

    The reason some do is because the forum has helped them.

    I wish I not mentioned that now!

    Anyway, where were we?

  27. #147
    Member northampton_gir's Avatar
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    u finished work now then?

  28. #148
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    No, still working. I post when I can. I won't finish until 3 or 4 a

    Im presently tucking into my sardines and rice.

    Your baby got good taste, taking your broccoli

  29. #149
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    there's no fee in joining and becoming a member in the forum, but it costs to run it..and keith's (admin) responsible for that..but there's an option to donate, although not compulsary..

  30. #150
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    sardines rice lol broccoli

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