Everyday Checking UKVACS:
March 5, 07 - with Eljean talking about life in UK and how paranoid the feeling of waiting for the result
3pm - ATBE
5pm - Ate Ping called we had a good laugh & she gave some advice.
March 7 - ATBE
March 9 - ATBE
March 12 - ATBE
March 13 - March 22 - ATBE
March 23 6:30am while chatting with TJ - Dispatch i feel like im floating in the air nervous & tense
10:am today my and my daughters visa is here


& TJ here we come..... now CFO stamping and DSWD for my daughter....
I am very happy TJ doesnt know about it yet but he will wake up with a very short txt from me lol.....
Thank your everybody for all the prayers and support for all encouragement...
Eljean, Chris & Irene, Bosss Keith & Ate Ping, Scott, Philip & Tonet, Fontain, Joeblogs, Ging & Rick, Empott, IaianBusby, Mrs. daddy, joebloggs, eytch, walesrob and to all those i fotget to mention I AM THANKFUL...
God is good........
TJ my baby you need to go to Yum Yum and look for Balot.... You need extra energy.... ILOVEYOU VERY MUCH!