We've not heard from coolblackman himself for a few days ...maybe he's reading the books I recommended ?
We've not heard from coolblackman himself for a few days ...maybe he's reading the books I recommended ?
LOL, I love it when threads get hijacked!
where in Negros Occidental is your wife's hometown..Im in NEgros too...
Actually the Orient is the East, and the Occident is the west (you had it the other way around). An Occidental Negro would be someone from the Americas .
Fred actually said "(and he used the "N" word)". The "N" word usually doesn't mean negro or negra, it usually means the word that rhymes with digger. In which case he was probably being ignorant.
I don't see anything wrong with the original post, except it has been written pretty blunt. But on a forum where English is a 2nd language for many, I don't think it's fair to make fun of ones bluntness with the English language. A better way it could be written would be:
"I would like to meet a filipino woman (filipina) x x"
"I would like a nice, cool (laid back/good sense of humour), beautiful filipino for love and relationship."
I'm guessing it's quite rare for black guys in the uk to hook up with filipinos (unlike in the united states, where it's rather common).
I dont agree with what you say in your first statement. Words are used in the Philippines that I would not use because we are indoctrinated in the uk/west not to use these words as they are deemed as racist. In other countries some words are used in everyday speech as they have done for generations, who are we to tell them they are wrong ?
As for 'black men' not dating Filipinas, how are we to know that? you only know my colour because of my profile photo. Nothing wrong with inter-racial relationships, why is colour/race an issue
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
I think a pic of my kids will show where I stand on racism.
Great picture Graham,
personally, I dont see people of different colour, I just see people
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
Me too.
It's religious stuff I get wound up about....then people start calling me a 'racist'.
I always found it amusing the looks I used to get in Tesco or wherever, when I had my little United Nations selection following me about.
I've been to dumaguete a few times & got married there last month. It's a great place!
Wow, cute kids. You have a real spectrum there, grahamw48. May I ask, are they yours biologically? or adopted? I see one looks East African, and the other two S.E. Asian.
@Steve.r: The "N" Word (the word that rhymes with "DIGGER") originated in the United States during slavery as a derogatory term. If someone in Japan for instance uses the "N" word, it's because they picked it up from US (or possibly British) Media. If they say it as "DIGGA", then they're likely a teenager trying to be hip, like "whats up mah n***a". I know it's common for some ethnic minorities of non-african origin to borrow US slang, and call their fellow friends n***a's, but usually they have enough sense to be careful throwing the N-bomb around when black people are present. (NEGRO/NEGRA is not the N-word/N-bomb, it's just a colour on masculine and feminine form).
As for the black-asian relationships. I'm sure if one looked hard enough they could pull up some statistics. In any case the incidence of two ethnic minorities dating (e.g. Nigerian-Filipino - in a cafe in "Jamaican Harlesden" *smile*), is always going to be much much lower, than an ethnic minority (Filipino) dating an ethnic majority (English). I'd still presume (guess) that it'd be more common in the US than in the UK. For various reasons (40 million African Americans who have been speaking English for centuries, several million fillipinos, US military presence in S.E. Asian vs. 1 million Black Brits, most of which foreign born, and 100-200,000 filipinos, many of which foreign brides/already married.). So pretty much a statistical conclusion.
lovely picture Graham !!! United nations selection LOL love that phrase..
as an aisde how did you get the picture there, when I tried to post a picture using inset button it asked for URL web link?
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
Hi 'FertileOne'...like the nick.
The boy on the left is the son of myself and his Filipina mother. He is 17 now and lives with me.
The darker children are hers also (my stepchildren), supposedly with the same biological father...hmm.
They are both at Uni here in the UK, though actually the girl is in New York now, as part of her course.
I am still very much involved with my stepkid's lives. In fact my house is full of their stuff !
Yeah, your step kids look like they have different fathers, one black (full negroid - there's that word again, I used to be a keen human anthropologist), and the other south/south east asian. Although technically speaking they could have the same bio dad, if he were or she were of recent mixed heritage. (black/asian or Filipino indigenous/mongoloid).
Anyhow, that's my two cents. Apologies for hijacking the thread (even though the original thread was probably going nowhere anyway).
re, the nick, thanks. I use this nick (FertileOne) on a number of sites, so I just stick with it. I'll have to show you what my basketball team sized litter of kids look like one day, grahamw.
hello there....
I wonder if Coolblackman and FertileOne the same person
I will not mention my colour, as it could be considered racist...unless of course I'm asked to do so on some politically-correct nosey govt. form.
or you can fork out £50,000 to lawyer to obtain super-injuction forbidden revelation of your color hahaha
My own personal experience tells me that 90% of filipinos women will rather have relationship with white foreign folks than one of color, why this is the case is another story altogether.
Anyway I find that the few that will date blacks are rather very fanatic and I had to run away from manila back to UK to get away from one and even then she is still stalking me. I might have to get a super-injuction on her lol
That IS true,I know a lot of pinays,I only know one thats ever dated a black american,lots of pinays in truth are very racist,I know a brit guy whose eurasian daughter had a child in the UK with a jamaican I think he was?At the christening the pinays were most uncomplementary to the negroid features of the kids father.My own personal experience tells me that 90% of filipinos women will rather have relationship with white foreign folks than one of color
Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.
indeed Tawi the paler the better in most of south esat asia .... historically because if you were dark it was because you probably worked out in the fields under the sun and were poor or of lowly status. crazy.. even my honey gets told off by her mum for being too brown when we return from diving trips and the like...I PREFER her looking darker.
Live your life for a reason and don't worry be happy
if you don't know where you are going then any road will do!!
I like them dark too. Vive la difference !
Yes, it's a status thing.
That's why some plaster their faces with white powder...and look silly.
Of course it was much the same in this country, with only artisans and poorer country-folk having to be out in the sun.
Now the whites want to be brown and the browns want to be white...crazy.
I like my asawa to be dark, she likes light. She says 'I look ugly' if she has been in the sun, I just tell her she is beautiful.
If you want your dreams to come true ...... first you have to wake up
i had been called "negra" for all my life,thats why it didnt bother me at all now...especially when my fiancee told me that woman in uk are paying thousands of pounds to have my color...i know he just told me that, for me not to feel bad...unfortunately it is true that u are looked down here in the philippines if ur a bit dark than the normal....at least someone can appreciate my color and love me for what i am!
I don't think Filipinos who prefers white folks are rascist for a simple reason:Now the whites want to be brown and the browns want to be white...crazy.
I'm not a psycologist but my little brain tells me that the reason is because they find white skin intriguing and mysterious something alien to them so they prefer this. on the other hand the black people have skin color much closer to their own so nothing fascinating or mysterious there for them. Why do you think bleaching cream and powder is No1 best seller in south east Asia?
This analogy works the other way round too, when I visited some remote part of Finland a while back where they never seen black people before, they looked at me with amazement and fascination wanting to touch me and be my friend both Finish white males and females.
Now back to filipinos, for me finding half decent filipinos(exclude scammers, lol) that would date a black man is like looking for needle in a hatstack especially with the fact that i'm on a half decent salary of nearly 140k a year and can afford 2-3 exotic holidays a year.
The pinay males however have a different mentality they don't look down so much on black people or people of color mainly becoz they are brought up since american colonization on diet of basketball sport and this sport is dominated by afro-americans so they see most black people visiting manila as a basketball hero, lol. I have been mistaken for Kobe Bryant on many occasions in manila and asked to sign autograph lol even tho i'm not as tall. Only if I was gay I could have picked up a half decent gay filipino guy a millionth times as I get proposition by more gay filipinos than straight females when in manila.
If any Filipno here dissagree with my assement please say so
The racist label is attached to people far too easily in my opinion, as is any kind of stereotyping.
It is normally a combination of a natural tendency of human beings to be suspicious of those they perceive to be different from themselves....something obviously difficult to 'iron out', attitudes learned from their parents and peers, or just ignorance.
I feel as hurt being referred to as a 'honky', because I too am being judged on the basis of colour alone, and also stereotyped as regards my presumed attitudes, tastes etc.
It doesn't help when some are OVER-sensitive, or draconian laws are introduced without some form of adjustment period for older generations to be permitted some leeway.
We are all born PEOPLE. Most of our negative views are LEARNED.
Ideally we WILL all eventually become coffee-coloured and put an end to this nonsense.
It is going to take a long long time though.
I am dong my bit to aid the process.
Religion...well, that is something different.
just curious, why a Filipina? Are you one of those men who think that a Filipina is a good choice because she is submissive, quiet, ready to smile, simple, beautiful, feminine, blah, blah, blah? Coz if some of your reasons are like what I've stated, then you're on the wrong track. Like what everybody said here, it is best to visit Philippines and meet a lot of people. That will help you understand who we really are. Another advice is the way to understand us starts from having an openmind.
well, goodluck with your search.....a warning though, we look pretty and harmless but we have sharp teeth especially when insulted.
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