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Thread: Tips on applying for FLR

  1. #1
    Member kamikilla's Avatar
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    Tips on applying for FLR

    Hello i would like to ask for some tips on how to apply for FLR after getting married. What to do's and the requirements and fee for the application. Thanks....

  2. #2
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    hi... look at their website... i just applied last november,all the information you need is in this website...

    Donald16Mhae ::

  3. #3
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    u can download the application form flr(m),guide flr(m) and the photo guidance... when u download those papers all the requirements are there and the step by step as well...just follow it and u will be fine,you can also call them for more infos they are very helpful! tc
    Donald16Mhae ::

  4. #4
    Member kamikilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhaedonald View Post
    u can download the application form flr(m),guide flr(m) and the photo guidance... when u download those papers all the requirements are there and the step by step as well...just follow it and u will be fine,you can also call them for more infos they are very helpful! tc
    Thank you for that site, i appreciate that. I already bookmarked it for future purposes. I'm still here in the Philippines till 15th of January. How long did it take you to process the FLR application?

  5. #5
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    hi...there is 2 application type in person or by post... i applied in person with all the requirements...the same day u will know if they will grant u a flr and they will tell u to wait for 3 to 5 days to get ur identity card which u will need to show in airport every time u go out of the country..i get my identity card in 2 days...
    Donald16Mhae ::

  6. #6
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    since u will be in phil untill january 15,just keep checking the websites for the updates coz sometimes they changing requirements or price of application..goodluck
    Donald16Mhae ::

  7. #7
    Member kamikilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhaedonald View Post
    since u will be in phil untill january 15,just keep checking the websites for the updates coz sometimes they changing requirements or price of application..goodluck
    I could not see the requirements there could you copy and paste it here pls? thank you...

  8. #8
    Member kamikilla's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhaedonald View Post
    hi...there is 2 application type in person or by post... i applied in person with all the requirements...the same day u will know if they will grant u a flr and they will tell u to wait for 3 to 5 days to get ur identity card which u will need to show in airport every time u go out of the country..i get my identity card in 2 days...
    Could you elaborate the requirements you have given them pls so it would be easy for me to comply everything without thinking so hard. i would really appreciate your help. thank u thank u so much in advance.

  9. #9
    Member rasc00's Avatar
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    The requirements are lengthy and are all on page - very close to the bottom of the page.

  10. #10
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    hi will just tell you what are the requirements i give last time i applied..but i think they add more its the english language requirement..I dont know about that coz when i applied last time that is not in the requirements yet...As i said download the application form flr(m),guide flr(m) and the photo guidance coz all the new requirements are there and they updating it everytime they made changes.Focus on it coz i know u dont want to waste you 800 GBP (premium application) when u got denied 0r your 500gbp if you decided to apply by post...Anyway will just give u the list of the requirements last november when i apply but check again the website for the requirements for next coz there might be additional

    - my picture and my husband picture (download the photo guidance and u will see what
    is the size and how many pictures required).

    -your passport and husband's passport

    -i give 6 months payslip of my husband but they just et 3 months latest

    -3 months latest bank statements of my husband

    -my husband's decree absolute (if ur husband is divorce)

    - ur marriage contract

    Thats all the requirements i gave last
    Donald16Mhae ::

  11. #11
    Member kamikilla's Avatar
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    Hello there...this is the updated requirements they put in their site so in short i will have to prepare this documents:

    1 My picture and my partner's picture
    2 My passport and my partner's passport
    3 3 months latest payslips
    4 3 months latest bank statements
    5 Our marriage contract
    6 English language test

    is that all i have to prepare or should i include some photocopies? Should i include some of the wedding pictures or pictures together while i'm in UK? If there's anyone who would like to add something pls advice me i would much appreciate it all..many thanks in advance.

    Requirements for an extension of stay as the spouse or civil partner of a person present and settled in the United Kingdom

    284. The requirements for an extension of stay as the spouse or civil partner of a person present and settled in the United Kingdom are that:

    (i) the applicant has limited leave to enter or remain in the United Kingdom which was given in accordance with any of the provisions of these Rules, other than where as a result of that leave he would not have been in the United Kingdom beyond 6 months from the date on which he was admitted to the United Kingdom on this occasion in accordance with these Rules, unless the leave in question is limited leave to enter as a fiance or proposed civil partner or unless the leave in question was granted to the applicant as the spouse, civil partner, unmarried or same-sex partner of a Tier 1 Migrant and that spouse or partner is the same person in relation to whom the applicant is applying for an extension of stay under this rule; and

    (ii) is married to or the civil partner of a person present and settled in the United Kingdom; and

    (iii) the parties to the marriage or civil partnership have met; and

    (iv) the applicant has not remained in breach of the immigration laws; and

    (v) the marriage or civil partnership has not taken place after a decision has been made to deport the applicant or he has been recommended for deportation or been given notice under Section 6(2) of the Immigration Act 1971 or been given directions for his removal under section 10 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999; and

    (vi) each of the parties intends to live permanently with the other as his or her spouse or civil partner and the marriage or civil partnership is subsisting; and

    (vii) there will be adequate accommodation for the parties and any dependants without recourse to public funds in accommodation which they own or occupy exclusively; and

    (viii) the parties will be able to maintain themselves and any dependants adequately without recourse to public funds; and

    (ix)(a) the applicant provides an original English language test certificate in speaking and listening from an English language test provider approved by the Secretary of State for these purposes, which clearly shows the applicant's name and the qualification obtained (which must meet or exceed level A1 of the Common European Framework of Reference) unless:

    (i) the applicant is aged 65 or over at the time he makes his application; or

    (ii) the Secretary of State considers that the applicant has a physical or mental condition that would prevent him from meeting the requirement; or;

    (iii) the Secretary of State considers there are exceptional compassionate circumstances that would prevent the applicant from meeting the requirement; or

    (ix)(b) the applicant is a national of one of the following countries: Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; the Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Canada; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Jamaica; New Zealand; St Kitts and Nevis; St Lucia; St Vincent and the Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; United States of America; or

    (ix)(c) the applicant has obtained an academic qualification (not a professional or vocational qualification), which is deemed by UK NARIC to meet the recognised standard of a Bachelor's degree in the UK, from an educational establishment in one of the following countries: Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; The Bahamas; Barbados; Belize; Dominica; Grenada; Guyana; Ireland; Jamaica; New Zealand; St Kitts and Nevis; St Lucia; St Vincent and The Grenadines; Trinidad and Tobago; the UK; the USA; and provides the specified documents; or

    (ix)(d) the applicant has obtained an academic qualification (not a professional or vocational qualification) which is deemed by UK NARIC to meet the recognised standard of a Bachelor's degree in the UK, and

    (1) provides the specified evidence to show he has the qualification, and

    (2) UK NARIC has confirmed that the degree was taught or researched in English, or

    (ix)(e) has obtained an academic qualification (not a professional or vocational qualification) which is deemed by UK NARIC to meet the recognised standard of a Bachelor's degree in the UK, and provides the specified evidence to show:

    (1) he has the qualification, and

    (2) that the qualification was taught or researched in English.

  12. #12
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    I submitted my FLR application at PEO Liverpool for a same day result (I couldn't bear waiting too long!) and it was dealt very quickly. I posted my experienced in this link..

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