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Thread: Hello Everyone, I'm New Here.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Hello Everyone, I'm New Here.

    I'll bet that just like lots of other members, I found my Beautiful Filipina via an Internet Dating Site.

    The first time I saw her for real ..... she TOOK MY BREATH AWAY !!!
    I knew she was BEAUTIFUL from the photos we had exchanged, and from Many Hours of Video Chatting ..... but when I finally saw her in the Flesh, I nearly had a HEART ATTACK !!!

    We had planned to Marry in the UK, but our RACIST UKBA keep Refusing to grant her a Visa, so now I need to explore the Process for Marriage in The Philippines.

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    What visa were refused? and for what reasons?
    I do not believe the UKBA are racist.

  3. #3
    Respected Member PAT's Avatar
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    Hello welcome to the forum....

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Graham View Post
    but our RACIST UKBA keep Refusing to grant her a Visa.
    as terpe said, they are not racist, how can they be when 90%+ get thier spouse/fiancee visa

    if your talking about a visit visa, they refuse them no matter what race you are

    what part of bury are you from

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr Graham View Post
    I found my Beautiful Filipina via an Internet Dating Site.

    We had planned to Marry in the UK, but our RACIST UKBA keep Refusing to grant her a Visa, so now I need to explore the Process for Marriage in The Philippines.
    I'm somewhat that the UKBA should continue to deny entry clearance to the fiancee of a British national ... assuming that the correct visa had been applied for and all the supporting paperwork was in order. Whatever the reasons, though, you may rest assured that the application would most certainly NOT be refused on RACIAL grounds.

  6. #6
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    hi there and welcome , but like many of our friends before have said the racist ukba, for what reason did they refuse the visa , yes there are differant visas and also you can get married in the phils like you have said , but i would want to know the reason why they refused in the first place

  7. #7
    Respected Member
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    Welcome to the forum
    If you get married in Phils, you will still have to satisfy the visa conditions to bring your wife here. Goodluck.

  8. #8
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lancashirelad View Post
    Welcome to the forum
    If you get married in Phils, you will still have to satisfy the visa conditions to bring your wife here. Goodluck.
    ... but it's a less expensive option all round. And it's also worth bearing in mind that more than 90% of Spousal Visa applications are successful.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Thanks for the comments, and apologies for not having returned to the Forum sooner.
    (Partly due to my memory being useless and not being able to remember what Username and Password I'd used, or where I'd Written Them Down !)

    The Visa Application my Fiancee had Refused was the MARRIAGE VISITOR (Form VAF1F Nov 2008).

    I'm wondering if this "Welcome to New Members" thread is the right place to start a discussion about Visa Applications, Refusals and Appeals, so I'll not say much more until a Moderator gives me the OK, or suggests a better place.

    I'm now looking at Marriage in Phil' as an alternative route, just in case we can NEVER get the UKBA to allow my Fiancee to come here.

    My comments about the UKBA being RACIST were based upon my own personal experiences, and upon reports I have received from other friends and colleagues who have received DISGUSTING treatment at the hands of the UKBA.
    I had formed this opinion BEFORE I watched the recent TV Documentary Series on SKY's Freeview Channel about the activities of the UKBA, and the Disptaches (CH4) exposure of UNACCEPTABLE treatment dished out by the UKBA.
    Any ordinary UK Citizen, any Employer, or even a Police Officer, who treated "Visitors to Britain" in the same way as the the UKBA were shown to be doing on National TV, would be committing a Racial Offence !

    When I helped my Fiancee to complete her first Visa Application we had questions and I emailed the UKBA asking for advice. They sent an acknowledgement and said that they aimed to answer queries within 5 days, and included an IMMENSE List of addresses (within the UKBA) to contact for different kinds of help.
    After 1 MONTH and no further contact, I emailed them again.
    They sent me the SAME 46KB list of addresses, and said to check this list as we would NOT hear further from them. Our question was NOT covered by any of the catagories in their list, but they REFUSED to help further.
    We eventually found a Nice Person at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office who answered the question for us ....... even though it was NOT his job to do so !

    The UKBA actually have a COMPLAINTS DEPARTMENT, but NONE of the communications I received from them mentioned this fact. It was a friend who worked elsewhere within the Ministry of Justice who found this address for me.

    I'm REALLY SORRY to sound so Negative and Angry, but that how the UKBA has made me.

    Marrying my Filipina Fiancee and Relocating to The Philippines to spend The Rest of My Life With Her, will be the realisation of my GREATEST DREAM !
    I LOVE Her, the Place, and the People ..... and even Their Weather ! (Despite Stacy always complaining that it's RAINING )

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