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Thread: is spouse visa better than fiancée?

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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    is spouse visa better than fiancée?

    is spouse visa better than fiancee? lots of my co members in FHC (foreign hubbies club) says that spouse is much better than fiacee because its 90% sure to be approved.. well my husband to be has a stable job in the uk he's a 7.5 toned driver on norfolk county services.. do you think he's work is okay for me to live with him? he's beenrenting a house in 20 years now which is 250 pounds per month, he is divorced and has no children.
    in my case, i am a single mum when we met each other,but we decided not to bring my daughter first coz we will have to settle in the UK before getting her.

  2. #2
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    These are the responses to your earlier thread :-

    Concerning your daughter, I suggest you both think the whole process through again before making any final decisions. The longer you leave it before having your daughter with you in UK, the more complex and difficult it MAY become.
    There are plenty of threads on this forum that will inform you about children. Please take time to search them and read carefully.

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    have to agree with terpe,

    how old is the child ?, does the child have any contact with her father? is the father named on her birth cert ?

    why do you need to be settled ? if you marry in the phils, get visa's for the both of you, he could claim child benefit and depending on his income tax creds for the child..

    so its possible you would be better off bringing her with you, rather than waiting..

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