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Thread: So my boyfriend's visit ended yesterday...

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  1. #1
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    So my boyfriend's visit ended yesterday...

    and my arms are feeling a bit empty. It doesn't even feel like Christmas eve or anything. I can still almost smell his skin and I don't know how I managed to move on after the other visits. Now I'm wondering, what do you do to keep from getting depressed after a really good visit with your significant other?

  2. #2
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    Sorry to read that you are going to be on your own for Christmas. Leaving your loved one behind and getting on a long plane journey is also a terribly depressing experience. I've made the journey from the UK to the Far East 4 times in the last year, and that 20 hour flight home is a horrible time. Feeling sick and teary because you've left your mahal behind and you know its going to be another 3 or 4 months until you can see and touch them again. I hate the homeward journey, I can feel my eyes continually filling up with tears, but not wanting to show it because crying in public's not the manly thing to do

    Anyway, I hope you feel better soon and don't let your blues from your mahal going home spoil your Christmas. Hopefully, he'll be able to get back over to see you again soon Stay positive and think of all the good times you've shared, whilst looking forward to more in the future

  3. #3
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    What about a significant other number two nalang??
    OK!! Ive got my coat...Left already!...(never to be seen again in your missing significant other thread!)

  4. #4
    Respected Member Jenky's Avatar
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    So sad dontpushme.
    But like Englishman 2010 I can only relate to how your bf may be thinking as he waits to leave. Remembering his trip to the Phil, the excitement. You get off the plane, you see the people waiting to board your plane.....Their time is over, yours is just beginning!!!!!! but in the back of your mind you know that only to soon you will be the one watching those happy smiling faces coming off the plane that will soon be taking you away.
    You get out of the taxi at the end of your trip. At the airport you look back to your loved ones as you make your way through the entrance and xray machine. Are your mahal and perhaps your kids crying? The lonleyness as you wait alone in the Mabuhay lounge with your mind racing at 1000mph drinking a juice holding back the tears. You get a text that your mahal is safely back home. You call her and it finally sinks in that this is it. The next night you spend will be alone again. Back to chat, webcam and phone calls till the next time. How many days is that? You count it, if you are lucky maybe only 100 days, but its still its too long.
    The only way this feeling will ever end is the visa application. You think can you both do it? are you both ready? if so can you satisfy the requirements? That is a part of the long distance relationship that all of us here have found ourselves in. like Englishman 2010 says "Stay positive and think of all the good times you've shared, whilst looking forward to more in the future"

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jenky View Post
    The lonleyness as you wait alone in the Mabuhay lounge with your mind racing at 1000mph drinking a juice holding back the tears. You get a text that your mahal is safely back home. You call her and it finally sinks in that this is it. The next night you spend will be alone again. Back to chat, webcam and phone calls till the next time. How many days is that? You count it, if you are lucky maybe only 100 days, but its still its too long.
    We've all been there, and it doesn't get any easier, knowing your going home to an empty house and loneliness. I liken my time away from my mahal as a prison sentence. It's usually between 90 and 120 days, I have every day in my diary numbered and begin the countdown, slowly the days and weeks come down, until like I am now, I only have another 6 days to wait until I land at NAIA and see my mahal again, but when I leave on 9th Jan, it will be another 88 days till I see her again in April.
    Maybe LDR's affect men and women slightly differently, but I'm sure we all hurt and our hearts aches when we are separated.

  6. #6
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Fred, you're insane!

    For some reason, this visit wasn't as hard to get over as the previous ones. It helped knowing I wasn't the only one feeling lonely. Thanks for the support.

    LOL, I think it also helped that I was annoyed with my boyfriend when I dropped him off at the airport. He was so paranoid about being late for his flight that he didn't take three minutes to say goodbye to me, and then he spent the rest of the hour sitting around up on the 2nd floor of the airport while I was on the first floor.

    I've been lurking for a couple weeks now coz my dad decided he was driving 1,300 miles in the snow just to spend New Year's with his sister in New Jersey. Of course, he insisted that I navigate. Dads... Haha! We got back a few days ago but I got busy getting ready for a meeting with my graduate committee. Good thing school distracts me when I feel lonely.

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