My advice is ensure your Mahal if from Phill understands the dangers of credit and how its not free money etc.
Thankfully the Wife has learned to be wise but not before she had her head turned when first over here.
Maybe a little different post crash here in the UK but often it seems those who are new to the UK their credit rating is based partly on their spouse if a Bristish Citzen. As I have mentioned before the Wife has been offered after Credit check huge sums of money way more than when she first came to the UK could if we both be honest comprehend in her pocket.
Folks this is a terrible example and I know of OFW's who the Wife knows as CHild hood friends who have nearly had to contemplate using the service of such types and often for tiny sums
One very close childhood friend who lives a distance away who has a new born was so desperate money wise and luckly the Wife was able to help her out with presents for her baby to stop her needing to use a loan shark. Many born and bred in the UK may not get how with little high street credit open to them and no bank of the family and close friends to borrow off how easy it is to full into the trap for some OFW's.
I also know of a guy who has a part time job as money collector for one of the door to door loans companies (a nasty piece of work it seems on the quiet) Myself and others had known of him for years before it slipped out..
Anyway he collects from many Filipinas nurses and other OFWs/Students and it appears from what i have heard he goes to house shares and everyone in there owes something..
Its partly why i shy away from the Filipino Propety boom with the condos etc. Plenty of pretty low income ofws seem to have loads of propety which they are loaned up to the max for![]()