Look, it sounds like your in a very difficult situation. If you continue applying for any credit card and loan that you can, this will all be recorded on your credit rating, and make you situation worse. If your being refused credit it's likely that you have too much credit already, or you have defaulted on payments recently.
If you desperately need credit you will probably have to go to one of the high risk, high interest loan companies.
I think you need professional help in this situation and firstly recommend that you try checking out this website for advice http://www.cccs.co.uk/
For anyone who wants to learn more about saving money, cutting costs and reducing debts, it's well worth visiting www.moneysavingexpert.com . This is a great website for Filipina's who have just moved to the country and want to make sure they aren't overpaying and being caught in scams and similar situations. It's also a good website for anyone who simply wants to save money.
Sorry if this message is a little blunt, but sometimes you need that.