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Thread: Dogs in cages

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  1. #1
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    They do regard dogs very differently in the Philippines than we do in the UK, I have had a pet dog most of my life, and to me they are a good companion and live indoors and go everywhere possible with me.

    If necessary I would go without food myself to feed a pet, but we hear stories of dogs being eaten there, I do not know if this is true, but I could not, but then I have never really been hungry let alone starving.

    If I had to kill anything to eat, I know I would most likely be a vegetarian.

  2. #2
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    If necessary I would go without food myself to feed a pet, but we hear stories of dogs being eaten there, I do not know if this is true, but I could not, but then I have never really been hungry let alone starving.
    I have to confess I've eaten dog meat on several occasions. It's not something many nations in the world would allow. I think it's illegal in the Philippines now too. But I'm not ashamed of it. Dogs are animals, just like chickens, ducks, turkeys, sheep, cows, pigs, fish, oysters, and most everything else that the steak-and-potatoes-loving masses eat. The only difference between dogs and farm animals is the perception that dogs are part of the family and farm animals are not.

    I don't think eating dog meat is bad, but the way people kill dogs is. Because there are no dog farms, people usually kill dogs by bashing their heads in with 2x4s or some other slow, agonizing way. Whereas cattle farms have ways of killing their animals in less than a second, dogs spend a lot of time suffering before they die.

    I'm sure people will be horrified by my admission, but honestly, I don't eat pets. I had pet chickens and a duck and if anyone had even hinted to me that we *might* have one of them for dinner, I'd have fought tooth and nail for my pets' lives. And those are animals that the western world takes for granted as just another meal.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    I have to confess I've eaten dog meat on several occasions.
    and you look so pretty

    what you have to remember that animals get 3rd world rights, we care more about animals in the uk than the philipines does with humans, quite a shame really
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    ....... we care more about animals in the uk than the philipines does with humans, quite a shame really
    UK is a contradiction sometimes.
    Seems to be enough animal/pet cruelty to warrant a TV program.
    Those organisations and charities that take care of animals on the fringes are completely overwhelmed.
    Makes you wonder what on earth is going on.

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