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Thread: Divorce Decree Absolute

  1. #31
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    Thanks Terpe.

    I just can't think any other way.

    How could anyone not consider that their selfish actions might ruin the life of a delightful and innocent 11-year old kid just starting out on the journey of life ?

    Not forgetting my two brilliant step-children, both of whom visit me, stay in touch over the internet, and of course call me dad. (Their Filipino biological father died when they were aged 7 and 9) .

    Happier times...the stepchildren's first Christmas in the UK (and a newly bought house, hence the horrible inherited decor .

  2. #32
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    hey mick,,
    so means if your marriage in philippines you can file case for devorce in uk?my setatuition is were have a wedding and philippines but after 3years me and my ex where decide to seperate each others.but i wolud like to know how i can file the devorce case in uk?how long is take time?

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by ynai4 View Post
    hey mick,,
    so means if your marriage in philippines you can file case for devorce in uk?my setatuition is were have a wedding and philippines but after 3years me and my ex where decide to seperate each others.but i wolud like to know how i can file the devorce case in uk?how long is take time?
    Yna it is very important for you that you are not the petitioner for divorce you should see if your husband will start divorce proceedings against you.

    The reason for this is that as a Filipino where a foreigner divorces you then the divorce will be recognised and you will be free to remarry in the Philippines. If you start the divorce it will not be recognised in the Philippines because as you know divorce is not allowed in the Phils.

    If you already have UK citizenship or ILR then this may not matter to you but you should think carefully before you proceed and also take professional advice.

  4. #34
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ynai4 View Post
    hey mick,,
    so means if your marriage in philippines you can file case for devorce in uk?my setatuition is were have a wedding and philippines but after 3years me and my ex where decide to seperate each others.but i wolud like to know how i can file the devorce case in uk?how long is take time?
    Hi yan, jim is correct, I did start the divorce, we were both living in the UK, if that makes a difference.
    You do need to see a solicitor for best advice to fit your needs.

    Mt divorce took nine months.
    Last edited by mickcant; 6th March 2011 at 09:29. Reason: addition

  5. #35
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    Sorry to hear that Mick.

    In the UK marriage quite often ends in divorce. Perhaps it's more common with these such relationships (Brit-Foreign Bride). But I'm sure none of us are that naive to not understand why such relationships come about, and what both parties are getting out of it. So it's important to protect yourselves, as well as you can. But as they say, nothing ventured, nothing gained.

    Enjoy the good the memories, for that's all we have in the end, before we bite the dust anyway. Pick yourself up, and focus on how you're going to make your life more enjoyable. Maybe find another foreign-bride, and just be mindful of any mistakes you made the first time around.

    A friend of mine (Ethiopian), was married to a (much older) English man. She was so hell bent on getting her British citizenship it wasn't funny (admittedly it is hard for someone in the UK without the ability to work legally). I think after a few years of marriage, she had given up, and decided to go back to Ethiopia, and is trying to get a divorce. Apparently he gave her access to half of his savings. Don't mean to be judgemental, but sometimes we do strange things for love, especially unrequited love. :(

  6. #36
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    You may also ask how long does the average 'conventional' British marriage last....both partners presumably from similar age groups, social levels and cultural backgrounds.

    I personally think a lot of (British) women make poor choices in the mating game, and too many couples start families when their relationship is on rocky foundations, both emotionally and financially...hence a lot of our society's social problems.

  7. #37
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    does anyone know ,,, what is a decree nisa as opposed to a decree absolut?

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    You may also ask how long does the average 'conventional' British marriage last....both partners presumably from similar age groups, social levels and cultural backgrounds.

    I personally think a lot of (British) women make poor choices in the mating game, and too many couples start families when their relationship is on rocky foundations, both emotionally and financially...hence a lot of our society's social problems.

    I have to agree. I married young, didn't have two halfpenny's to rub between the cheeks of my ...., had 2 kids. It lasted 25 years, due the fact I spent most of that time working away from home.

  9. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    does anyone know ,,, what is a decree nisa as opposed to a decree absolut?
    I know there's one of them waiting for me somewhere...presumably Register Office ?

    My divorce was finalised in 2006.

    I left it to the ex to sort out the paperwork , seeing as I was the 'injured' party, and we lived 60 miles apart about 1,000. (I was notified by the court that the divorce had gone through).

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by imagine View Post
    does anyone know ,,, what is a decree nisa as opposed to a decree absolut?
    A decree nisi is an order from a court which ends a marriage subject to a decree absolute at a later time.
    A decree absolute is an order from a court which ends a marriage finally.

  11. #41
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    A decree nisi is an order from a court which ends a marriage subject to a decree absolute at a later time.
    A decree absolute is an order from a court which ends a marriage finally.
    so the nisa is not needed, it is the decree absolute which is the important one

  12. #42
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    You must get the decree nisi first. Nisi is Latin for unless, implying "unless any problems or disputes arise".

  13. #43
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    i dont ever recal having a nisa,

    but as for being used to marry in phill, am i right that it is only the decree absolute that is needed ? thanks doc

  14. #44
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    The certificate showing "Decree absolute" is vitally important to keep. To my knowledge that is the only one which is required as proof of divorce.

  15. #45
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    The certificate showing "Decree absolute" is vitally important to keep. To my knowledge that is the only one which is required as proof of divorce.
    thank you doc

  16. #46
    Respected Member keeperlit's Avatar
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    the decree nisa is issued first then you have to wait 6weeks and one day for to get your absolute decree you keep both of them but as doc alan says the absolute decree is the proof you are finaly divorce ,,,remember you are not single until you have you absolute decree in your hands
    Last edited by keeperlit; 12th April 2011 at 08:24. Reason: sorry had inform you have to wait 6weeks and one day for your absolute decree
    live and let live

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