Well its been nearly 6months soon when Emma arrived her July 31st i think on the FLR visa, so if we were not married by now we would be panicing a little,.
But in those 6 short months look what has happened to us and most of us all on this forum, life changing things,
Emma has found work all by herself, she started by ringing places and then got on to a agencie, trying to work in a hospital, well she has got that job know, started Wednesday this week and has her shifts for the next 3 weeks , before that she was working in a small factory for getting on to five weeks , i am so proud of her and i love her so much ,
What a team we have become, its happened to me who a few years ago thought i was going to live a life alone, having some friends but being lonely still,
All this can happen to everyone , struss yourself but also listen to good advice and try to give it too, good luck to anyone following in our shoes ,