Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
Im not saying it was wasted time for you Keith! I know its free and yes The money went in the pocket of who ever. The city hall in question is the law. I dare say if you and Simon were offered the same deal, you to would of taken his hand off. come on Keith, we all know corruption is the name of the game there, to the point of being normal. Lets not be shocked ah!
That made me smile so much.
Look I know this is off topic, but anyway, my bro-in-law was looking for a parking space, and found, well somewhere. A policeman came over and told us we could not park there. He had wrap around sunglasses and looked very well armed. Also spoke some English to me. We parked there. Why. He told my bro-in-law he would take care of the car, Oh and by the way , did we want to have it cleaned!!!! Yep there was a small fee. But hey, it's so normal. Well it was for everyone else in the car.
Yeah the car was cleaned.

Sorry for hi-jack everybody