Gwap its true that corruption or at least the attempt of it is rife here ,from immigration officials with new mercs on 20-30000 a month salarys to the fire department that want the proprieter to buy fire extinguishers smoke alarms at inflated prices from there approved supplier.
But that doesnt either make it right nor desirable, in fact its one of the major things holding back developement here in the Phils. To say City Hall is the Law is accepting the Local warlord thing that led to 57 people being killed last November 12 month.
When a country is not governed by the rule of Law but by breaking it to ones own advantage no one is safe
If your on a tight timescale and can find no other way I can fully understand why anyone might join in and would never judge that negatively but I must take you to task when you suggest I would have "taken his hand off" I might have complained about the irrelivance of the law I might have angryly asked to see his superior but accept this in order to evade a responcability ,no matter how ill concieved ,never.
What I did accept was the immersion in how life is for ordinary Filipnas so I could understand the local perspective of how life is here
I dont want to be descrimanated against for being a long nose nor pay "kano" prices but as much as possible be seen as a guy just like everyone else here respected for who I am Some of the tryke drivers resent not being able to charge me double but the majority now just accept the correct fare without a second thought.
Terpe please feel free to be as off topic as you wish![]()