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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Hello from stoke

    Thank you everyone.
    Ive already found a lot of informations i needed. Im happy that i found this site.
    I work here over year and everyday i think its too long.. Im from Poland, my love Riza is in Philippines. Im going to move and live there on province. I want to learn Visayan.
    Im preparing myself for it everyday, all my friends think that im crazy so i need new friends who will understand me
    I dont care modern life Riza dont care to come here even though hard life there.
    We both want simple life on province.
    Most important is to help mama and papa on province because Riza is only child.
    Well, final decision will come in December, papa will decide so i need to prepare situation when we need to come here after wedding but only information i need is how long it takes to get marriage visa and how much to pay. Im going there next year and stay there forever or sort out everything there and go back together here.
    I just pray to God everyday that we will not need to come here..

    Thank you everyone again.

  2. #2
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    Hi fujtam, welcome to the forum.

  3. #3
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    Yes, life here in England can be very hard.
    Also life in Philippines can be very hard.
    You don't mention how you met Riza, did you meet in person?
    Have you ever visited Philippines?
    Where in the Phils does Riza live?

    Many people here have dreams to live in the Phils. Me included.
    Please believe that I do not intend to be negative on your dream,
    just want to help.
    Do you have some idea on how you will achieve an income?

    You would need to be very lucky to secure employment there (also working visa is needed) and even luckier if you could achieve anything like a local income that would meet your daily living needs.
    Something to think about.

    Different people learn languages in different ways, for me the best way is actually 'living with the language'. I think you could learn a lot within a few months.

    Look forward to helping you in your considerations for your future.

  4. #4
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    Concerning learning the language.

    Visayans seem to mostly refer to their languages as Bisaya.
    "Gihigugma Ko, Gayod Ikaw!" ...I love you very much! In Bisaya (I think, ......also my spelling may not be correct)

    For a Cebuano form of Bisaya you should look here:-

    The good thing for you, fujtam, is that this study can be done in your own language.
    Just choose "Polski" at the start, then choose Cebuano as the language to learn.

    It's really a lot different to the National language Tagalog

    For Tagalog language, Rosetta Stone is quite popular but also very expensive.
    Another good choice for Tagalog may be BYKI (Before You Know It)
    Look here:-

    It's free.
    One thing is that this also have vocalisations, so you can hear how a word is pronounced.

    Happy learning

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fujtam View Post
    Ive already found a lot of informations i needed. Im happy that i found this site.
    I work here over year and everyday i think its too long.. Im from Poland, my love Riza is in Philippines. Im going to move and live there on province. I want to learn Visayan.
    Im preparing myself for it everyday, all my friends think that im crazy so i need new friends who will understand me
    I dont care modern life Riza dont care to come here even though hard life there.
    We both want simple life on province.
    Most important is to help mama and papa on province because Riza is only child.
    Well, final decision will come in December, papa will decide so i need to prepare situation when we need to come here after wedding but only information i need is how long it takes to get marriage visa and how much to pay. Im going there next year and stay there forever or sort out everything there and go back together here.
    I just pray to God everyday that we will not need to come here..

    Thank you everyone again.
    It's very noble-spirited of you and Riza to be content with a simple lifestyle ... and I "take my hat off" to your desire to shun material wealth. But have you fully thought through the hardships involved? I mean ... at least here in the UK, medical treatment is available on the NHS in the event of either of you falling ill at some point in the future. And, as you're no doubt aware, there are very few [if any] other countries that offer such a vital facility! I therefore urge you to think very carefully before making any final decisions.

    to the filipino/uk forum. Since you are a citizen of an EU country - other than - *different rules apply to applications for Marital Visas. Unfortunately, I'm none too conversant with *these ... but we do have members who will be able to guide you through the process.


  6. #6
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    Yes, life in England is very hard and its not about money...
    Its not place where i want to see how my children growing.
    Life in Phil will be very hard because there is no money.
    But there in Phil is something very hard to find in all this modern world.
    Pure heart people, family meaning, tradictions..

    We meet with Riza by internet. Never in person, she dont want me to go to visit
    only go to marry her and be together forever no matter what will happen.
    I wanted to go to visit first but after many conversations we both decided
    to do it, not try it. Ive promised her to do it and i will do. Im doing it.
    I will look after her and respect her as she is till my death now.
    Im going to promise it in front of God. Im happy with that.
    She is from Zamboanga del Norte province. Our plan is invest in animals on farm
    there and her papa will decide in december if it will be possible or not.

    Nothing cant stop me like nothing stoped me in my country where ive worked
    14 years in so many diferent jobs to make my dream come true.
    Im from very poor family and my dream was unreal,
    last 9 years in my country with no day off.. Done.
    My dream come true.. Self realisation.. I woke up one day in my recording studio
    as a sound engineer who composed and produced something what was unreal..
    I looked at my ready product and that was most unhappy day in my life.
    That day ive realised how lonley i was. Life become easy but empty with no love.
    I had job as manager as well and that day i stoped my work, sold most equpiment, pack suitcase and went to England to take really hard lesson of life...
    I just needed to cut it all. If i could do it all by my own starting with no shoes in winter and no heating in Poland where winter is real winter i can be good farmer in Phil as well.

    Love is the only sens of life so starting from this point i will never wake up in wrong place anymore. I do realise how poor life is there and i believe that im smart enough to develope farm business step by step. I was always lucky and i am most lucky man in the world that Riza found me. I know it all looks crazy because we did not meet in person before.. So what? Our attitude is good enough to work it out.

    Thank you so much Terpe.
    Thank you for language tips as well, for me living with the language is best option too.

    Artur, thank you for your words so much.
    For now i know nothing about visa in fact.. I know only taht there are few kinds and i know that marriage visa after wedding but if we will need one situation will be very complicated because i will need to stop my work here and be in Phil as long as it need to sort all paperwork from there. Maybe even few months.
    Her parents will never let her fly alone. I dont apply for resident card because it have no sense if i will stop work anyway and i think that it can be more easy under european law as well. I dont know.. her papa will decide about our life. He is my idol.

  7. #7
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    Hello Futjam and welcome to the forums
    i find he cebuano online dictionary a helpful tool in learning Bisaya (Visayan)
    external link:

  8. #8
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    Yes, life in England is very hard and its not about money...
    Its not place where i want to see how my children growing.
    Life in Phil will be very hard because there is no money.
    But there in Phil is something very hard to find in all this modern world.
    Pure heart people, family meaning, tradictions..

    We meet with Riza by internet. Never in person, she dont want me to go to visit
    only go to marry her and be together forever no matter what will happen.
    I wanted to go to visit first but after many conversations we both decided
    to do it, not try it. Ive promised her to do it and i will do. Im doing it.
    I will look after her and respect her as she is till my death now.
    Im going to promise it in front of God. Im happy with that.
    She is from Zamboanga del Norte province. Our plan is invest in animals on farm
    there and her papa will decide in december if it will be possible or not.

    Nothing cant stop me like nothing stoped me in my country where ive worked
    14 years in so many diferent jobs to make my dream come true.
    Im from very poor family and my dream was unreal,
    last 9 years in my country with no day off.. Done.
    My dream come true.. Self realisation.. I woke up one day in my recording studio
    as a sound engineer who composed and produced something what was unreal..
    I looked at my ready product and that was most unhappy day in my life.
    That day ive realised how lonley i was. Life become easy but empty with no love.
    I had job as manager as well and that day i stoped my work, sold most equpiment, pack suitcase and went to England to take really hard lesson of life...
    I just needed to cut it all. If i could do it all by my own starting with no shoes in winter and no heating in Poland where winter is real winter i can be good farmer in Phil as well.

    Love is the only sens of life so starting from this point i will never wake up in wrong place anymore. I do realise how poor life is there and i believe that im smart enough to develope farm business step by step. I was always lucky and i am most lucky man in the world that Riza found me. I know it all looks crazy because we did not meet in person before.. So what? Our attitude is good enough to work it out.

    Thank you so much Terpe.
    Thank you for language tips as well, for me living with the language is best option too.

    Artur, thank you for your words so much.
    For now i know nothing about visa in fact.. I know only taht there are few kinds and i know that marriage visa after wedding but if we will need one situation will be very complicated because i will need to stop my work here and be in Phil as long as it need to sort all paperwork from there. Maybe even few months.
    Her parents will never let her fly alone. I dont apply for resident card because it have no sense if i will stop work anyway and i think that it can be more easy under european law as well. I dont know.. her papa will decide about our life. He is my idol.

  9. #9
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    thank you for the pain that you give,

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by riza View Post
    thank you for the pain that you give,
    I am saddened if you have been treated so badly.
    Sometimes finding a true person can be difficult.
    How were you able to find this forum?

    I hope you will feel able to stay with this forum for a while. So many friendly and supportive people here

  11. #11
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    Yes,you are true,its very hard to fine right person,
    i wish he did not promise to me anything,and said good words so that i will not trust him and feel sadness and pain,love is not a joke by playing heart to anyone.

  12. #12
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    i'm still hurt,crying all day and night
    i'm sick

  13. #13
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    be happy always with your wife and child

  14. #14
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    Thank you for all this lie words

  15. #15
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    thank you for your all lie words, it makes me happy to trust it in a short time.

  16. #16
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    I'm sorry to hear this Riza if I read correctly you've met a UK based scammer

  17. #17
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    Thank you,Dedworth, i think his family dont like me because i'm so poor, and maybe he can realize that he is not ready to live with me in misery life.

  18. #18
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    hello fujtam welcome here..goodluck on living a simple life in the Philippines!!!
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  19. #19
    Member mindanao's Avatar
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    hi riza, you're the girl fuljam mentioned. Am sorry that he hurts you You mentioned about him having a wife and child?? anyway, what ever it is. Just be strong girl, k... Cry to your hearts delight, till no tears come out. You'll realized that you had enough and take smile back in your face

  20. #20
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mindanao View Post
    Cry to your hearts delight, till no tears come out. You'll realized that you had enough and take smile back in your face
    That's a nice way to put it.

  21. #21
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    yes,but its not easy

  22. #22
    Member mindanao's Avatar
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    thank you sim.

  23. #23
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    ... what IS going on here?

  24. #24
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    it`s never easy riza. What happened sweatheart?

  25. #25
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    someone i really love,lie me.
    but its okay,i think thats my destiny of being sad always.

  26. #26
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by riza View Post
    but its okay,i think thats my destiny of being sad always.
    Oh riza that is a very sad thing to say. You're having a hard time now, but things will get better, though you can't see it now...You're a young woman, you just haven't found a good person yet.

    As my wife says, 'you need to keep smile, to stop the wrinkles'

  27. #27
    Member mindanao's Avatar
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    but what really happened riza? can you share to us your side of the story. You've been lied as what you said, promises broken ,might as well be open minded and let it out, we are here to listen to you. Rant if you want, let out your feelings

  28. #28
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    thanks for nice rubbish Riza.

    i told you i love my child long long time ago.

    my family dont want me to stop contact with my child, you wanted me to stop contact with my child, ive done it for you....... im not married and im not goin back to my country.. i wonder why you think like that but i dont want to know answer anymore.

    I feel happy to call my child and ask if everything is all right.

    that was too much....

    you destroyed it by your digging in my rock'n'roll past, that all was long time ago and i dont care what someone think about it. i know who i am now and i know what i want.

    im going to live in phil anyway but not with you.

    Please Riza stop sending messages to my friends and stop with your not true stories about me.

    I want to delete this profile on forum but i dont know how.

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