Hello! I'm just new hereso i'm not really good in here. I'm from the philippines and apply for a tourist visa to UK for 6days. I would like to ask any advice or honest opinion, as to what can I do, with my refusal visit visa i just got yesterday. It turned out so quick & I feel so depressed with outcome.
Their decision:
"You claim to earn an average amount of salary per month. You have failed to provide reasonable evidence of this, such as pay slips. Furthermore, you claimed income is not reflected in your bank statement. In the absence of satisfactory evidence I am not satisfied that your personal circumstances are as stated and I am therefore not satisfied that you are a genuine visitor or that you will leave the UK on completion of your proposed visit." 41(i)(ii)
You claim to have made available amount of your own money to spend on your visit to the UK, which is almost 10times your claimed monthly income. I do not consider the proposed expenditure to be proportionate with your economic circumstances, particularly as you have failed to substantiate your circumstances through satisfactory documentary evidence. I am therefore not satisfied.
What I should do next .... can i reapply or reappeal? Please share some opinion. I would appreciate any info & help that i could get here.Thanks in advance. God bless all