Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
I think he would rather be in the chamber with 2 women for that duration,he is 14 and is already on his 6'th "serious"(according to him) relationship
I have the cash for a course,but he is a typical kid,by the time he comes to Uni age he is most probably going to want to study something completely different
Who wouldn't want to be in a chamber with 2 women!! Mind you it could get a bit tense when their time of the month came along

Just reading back through this thread and I may come across a bit negative about my own chosen career. It is a good subject that ricky started, we are an island nation after all so going to sea should be a prime opportunty for a good number of young people. I've just tried to balance out alot of what ricky was saying with my own views on the industry. Maybe I thought what was written was a little rose tinted and wanted to put across some of the other more negative points of the job.

This job has treated me well and I was very lucky with the companies I've worked for but as with most jobs there are pros and cons. My advise to anyone who thinks they want to or know anyone thinking about going to sea is to think very hard about it and if at all possible try to get with one of the large multi national companies. But sometimes this doesn't work, for example Mearsk laid off 1500 officers last year!!