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Thread: Whatever happened to British detained?

  1. #1
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Whatever happened to British detained?

    Any one know what happened to her?
    Did her husband ever get out? Did she get locked up too?? She did stop posting here pretty suddenly..
    She seemed really desperate at the time and her pleas for help on certain expat forums were treated in a disgusting manor IMO.. Anyway...Hope she`s OK..

    In six days Kevin and my staff are detained already for two months. Since the arrest, Kevin and I have been exchanging letters everytime my daugther visits him. From his letters, he had been narrating what life they got behind bars, he as well told me the treatment they get from prison guards, police and inmates.

    From May 15th to June 18th Kevin and the staff were detained at PNP Custodial Center in Camp Crame. He said that most detainess in there are those who are accused of HIGH PROFILE crimes such as drug related cases, murders, terrorism, kidnapping, name it. He was so afraid when he was first sent there as everyone detained are really facing charges that most people would be scared of to talk about. He was placed in a cell with other three detainees. They have TV, a CR and bed. The detention is in a maximum security but then inside they are free to move, walk and have some exercise. There is a small shop in which you can have the things that you also get outside (ciggies, soda, chips, etc) it is like a small grocery inside the detention. Inmates are a little friendlier and they do not steal food, money and personal things as most detainees are from a well off families. Actually he said he saw Sen. Trinales and some other High profile criminals. But they are not bad, he even said they even help each other, give each other advice and even share their life story. The only problem are the guards. He calls them beggars in uniforms. They are the one who steals food, clothing and even cash. Extortion inside the detention is a big problem. If you dont give what the guards want, you can't get priviledges. You must have something really to bribe these guards in able to move around or even get favors. Each day, I must give P1,000 to Kevin for him to pay these and that... if you send a food it must be multiplied to three as each gate must have the same thing or the detainee won't get it. Example you bring a burger, it must be three burgers so the other two will be for the guards and the other one is for Kevin. That is the rule Kevin and I have to remember.

    Same with the staff, I have to pay a protection money for them. It is P200 every week for each staff. Everytime I send food it must be multiplied to three as the guards must have their share. If you ge sick, you must pay back the medicines, the check up twice as expensive outside. Basically, inside the detention the rule is all about money...

    19th of June, Kevin and the staff were transfered to San Mateo Municipal Jail. Kevin describe this jail as a hell hole. Why? Kevin is placed in a small cell together with 90 Filipino prisoners. The wall is tinted with human urine and stained with blood. Floors are infested with cockroaches and rats. You must sleep on the floor with a small box as your bedding. You'll lucky enough to get a plywood as your bed. Same thing as in Crame, once they are transfered you must pay for a protection money. Kevin was asked to pay P1,000 and the staff paid P700 each. Kevin has to pay for a bedspace. This is if you want to sleep lying on your back. If you do not pay you will sleep means sleeping only half of your body must occupy the space. It is too difficult for Kevin as he is big. He said it is like you are already facing your sentence as it is very hot inside (because there are 90+ prisoners). He said that those who are detained at the city jail are not well off not like at Crame. So small things will be missing and inmates acts like animals. They can start a fight over a piece of bread. The prisoners are stealing his foods, water and even clothes. I have to send Kevin the oldest set of clothing so the inmates wont get an interest over it. He said at night he must avoid walking as he can tip off the prisoners. That is how they are over crowded. And one of the biggest problem is using the CR. Actually he said if you want to take a bath in the morning, you must start to queque in (fall in line) early as it needs two hour before you will get your time. He has to pee in a small bottle same as the others, and needs to pay to pooh. It is as well about money, and those who do not have, must face the sad reality on being treated like a dog. Kevin told me that everytime he speaks to the inmates your heart will beak apart knowing how petty their crimes they have commited. There are some who stolen P200 but since he cannot bail him self he has been detained more than half a year already. There are some who have'nt got visitors more than a year already. If you do not have a visitor you are not allowed to get out your cell and no chance of getting a little air and sunlight. That is why Kevin is visited twice a day so atleast he will have a chance outside the cell to have some stretching, a little air and a bit of sunlight. And he said the worse thing in there is the food. It is placed in a big bucket full of mixed rice and vegetables scooped and placed in a plastic cup and distributed to prisoners. He told me that it was like feeding a dog with a left over food. And he really pity the inmates who doesn't have visitors and food from their families as they have no choice but to eat the supply. Prisoners have nothing to do as no space for a little recreation. You can only do two things...sleep or stare on space. Kevin has to write sitting or facing the wall as the wall is his table or write lying down. He has to move near the bars so he can have a little supply of light. These are the same thing Rowena, Sheryl and Grace have told my daugther who everytime visits them and brings food. They told me that the only thing they are waiting for everyday is the food...getting their food means they can be out the cell and have a chance to get a little nice air.

    However , Rowena is different. Because she has HEPA B she has to be isolated to others. She is placed in a small stock room without a door almost same size as a wardrobe cabinet. She has to sleep on the floor also. When she gave birth a week ago, she has to bring her newly born baby with her. They both sleeps on the floor and on that area.

    Their situation really is very inhuman. If you will read their letters all you can do is is very sad that they have to suffer to all these because of a selfish accusation and an arrest illegally. These are all because of money, jelously and blackmail. Kevin, my staff and I have done nothing wrong but to help Filipinos with thier VISA. We hope that soon the truth would come out and we will get the JUSTICE that my husband and my staff deserves.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    According to Tawi, they are both still in jail, but their staff were released.

  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    According to Tawi, they are both still in jail, but their staff were released.
    yep, tawi posted a while back that they are still in prison
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  4. #4
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    This is not fair for the couple. Not fair trial at all.
    Life as we make it

  5. #5
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    This is not fair for the couple. Not fair trial at all.
    you and i dont know the real story, according to the above poster if they had enough money they would be out of they refuse to pay out they are learning their dance moves
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  6. #6
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Last I heard from a reliable source(prison staff)the couple were still inside awaiting trial.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  7. #7
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Poor *******s!!!!

    Seems she was paying off the guards for food and a bit of space to allow him to sleep flat on his back instead of on his side in a small cell housing 90 inmates..Would have thought that now she is in there ,the bribe money is no more for either of them..
    They have been convicted of nothing yet..
    Now,no one can hear them scream..

  8. #8
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    you and i dont know the real story, according to the above poster
    they had enough money they would be out of prison..
    A big "IF" !!

  9. #9
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I remember reading/posting about a German geezer that got himself released and now devices his time helping other expats that shouldn't be inside get out,, From memory he seemed very well connected,,
    Now where are his contact details? Anyone remember?
    but might be worth sending him a line on her behalf.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I remember reading/posting about a German geezer that got himself released and now devices his time helping other expats that shouldn't be inside get out,, From memory he seemed very well connected,,
    Now where are his contact details? Anyone remember?
    but might be worth sending him a line on her behalf.
    Fred is it this organisation :-

  11. #11
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Thanks Terpe..
    Yes thats the one.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    This is scary stuff!
    I think we do need to contact him & make him aware of this forum. Let Filipinouk represent us?

    Their Business was too dangerous to be in, possibly illegal recruitment?...But they need some help, or they could just languish in jail, for years?

  13. #13
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Yes Sim.. VERY scary.
    I have just read the letters that he sent to her from the hell hole he`s in..
    Cant believe I did not take the time to read them before whilst she was an active member here.. I feel bad about that now.
    The man was obviously feeling very low as he was writing but what really got me was the agonising worries of what would happen to his kids if his Mrs were to be locked up.. Its hard to believe that as they have no other family the kids would be adopted.
    Imagine that. They have not been found guilty of anything yet!!
    Something has got to be done..
    Might be an idea if we can make a list of people and organisations to write to on their behalf ?
    I dont want to let this thread slip to easily..
    What if it were one of us?
    Actually,IT IS one of us.. British detained is still a member here.


  14. #14
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    maybe we can put the 2 of them in touch with each other, unless they are already talking
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  15. #15
    Respected Member subseastu's Avatar
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    Surely the british embassy would be getting involved in this matter to sort this problem out for one of its nationals?
    It's been emontional

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    Quote Originally Posted by subseastu View Post
    Surely the british embassy would be getting involved in this matter to sort this problem out for one of its nationals?
    I was just thinking the same.
    Normally the Embassy would make at least a couple of visits.

    There does not appear to be any mention of Embassy involvement in any information I have seen anyway.

    That surely should be a place to contact?

  17. #17
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    i have just watched all 3 parts, we should get alfred on to there case and see how he can help
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  18. #18
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I read on a blog or somewhere, that the British Embassy have been involved, but wont intervene in Philippine law, or words to that effect?

    Seems Philippine law hasn't been upheld though, as they haven't been charged with anything & it's around 20 months, since Kevin was jailed & Charlene sometime later.

  19. #19
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    The Brit embassy will not get involved because it has no direct jurisdiction regarding the Filipino justice system..
    He will be lucky if he gets one unproductive visit per year..Let this be a very important lesson to ANY Brit abroad with legal problems..
    The Brit embassy is a money making exercise..Thats all.
    They couldnt give a damn about British citizens unless the Sun newspaper gets involved with embarrassing and scandalous misgivings regarding its citizens abroad.
    Im afraid its down to us!! Like the Taylors..We are on our own.
    I agree with BAB..We need to contact this German guy..As a group..
    I have other irons in the fire but not holding my breath..
    Lets just do what we can..Each of us.

  20. #20
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Looking again but for life of me cannot find email or contact details for Alfred?
    Dont tell me he wants $50 just for me to say Hello!!

  21. #21
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Kevin had quite a number of consular visits from the embassy,he has had health problems including a suspected heart attack,foreign prisons are scary places,especially for a "straight" guy like kevin,suddenly you have no control over proceedings and theres very little he can do except get his head down till this situation is resolved,I am back in Pinas soon,if I am in Manila I will pop in.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Looking again but for life of me cannot find email or contact details for Alfred?
    Dont tell me he wants $50 just for me to say Hello!!

    Did your try these:-
    General Inquiries

    Personal Inquiries to Mr. A. Lehnert

  23. #23
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    Kevin had quite a number of consular visits from the embassy,he has had health problems including a suspected heart attack,foreign prisons are scary places,especially for a "straight" guy like kevin,suddenly you have no control over proceedings and theres very little he can do except get his head down till this situation is resolved,I am back in Pinas soon,if I am in Manila I will pop in.
    Id be careful if I were you Tawi.. The nasties might see you as a fresh source of funds..

  24. #24
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post

    Did your try these:-
    General Inquiries

    Personal Inquiries to Mr. A. Lehnert
    Thanks again Terpe..You are an absolute gem!!
    I`ll fire off an email later and see if it does any good..

    Keep the ideas coming. Anything is worth a try..

  25. #25
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Looks like my post on another group may get the ball rolling..
    Perry "The bear" Gambys has got the bit between his teeth now and it seems he means business!
    Go Perry!!

  26. #26
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    90 Is an obvious one.

  27. #27
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Looks like our member British detained is not in prison after all.. A death camp might be a better description!

    Another detainee dies in jail; 18 others at risk for lack of medical attention in San Mateo prison

  28. #28
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Link to a Perrys site that seems to be organising a campaign to help the Taylors..

  29. #29
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Just a quick update..

    One of many guys on other lists have been contacting Alfred from
    I contacted him myself early on with not much luck in regards to action..Probably due to the fact that he needed to know where the funding was coming from.
    Since he must be getting a lot of emails and telephone calls it looks like he has traced and visited Charlene and Kevin.. This is what the guy that is in contact with him says..

    "Hi Bill, Mr Lenhert is being very upfront with us.I asked what a lawyer would cost and that was his reply,minimum P650,000. Now if you can find a competent lawyer to take this case like this for less then we can hook him up with Mr Lenherd.From what i can gather,Mr Lenherd has to educated most lawyers when it comes to foreigners and the laws in this country. Let me say i would be more confident in a lawyer recommended by Mr Lehnerd to get the results needed.
    If nothing else at least we can verify where they are and their condition.We will have a better understanding of what is going on if we can get Me Lehnert to start digging and hell,who knows Mr Lehnert may be able to get something happening really quick if there was no arrest warrent or if it is found out Mr n Taylor was arrest illegally. All i know is that all this talking is not getting Mr Taylor anywhere,if we act,we act now.Mr Lenhert needs to know what support he has before he tackles this situation. There are "doors" that need to be opened and the "keys" to open those doors expect "appreciation".
    This is serious **** and it is going to take some serious support. Just for conversation sake,100 guys donating P6500,heck even i can afford that.Maybe that is what we should shoot for,100 names,can we do it?"

    "Just got of the phone with Mr Lenhert.He has found Mr Kevin and Charlene,they are not at Camp Crame but where they are at is not good, and they are in very bad shape. I told Mr Lenherd that he will not here from me again until i can have at least 100 names.It's up to you all now.Please pass this info to any and all foreigners."

    Basically this guy reckons we need 100 people that are prepared to donate 6,500 Pesos each..

    Personally I have no problem with donating that amount but I do think we need a lawyer that is prepared to work MUCH cheaper in the knowledge that there are 100`s of foreigners backing him/her..
    IMO that would make them famous!! at least within the Filipino/expat community..
    I have been very surprised by the volume of support by people that had never even heard of the Taylors.
    It has been suggested that we take things slow...I agree.

    These efforts may well come to nothing but at the very least the Taylors know there are people thinking of them since the visit by Alfred.


  30. #30
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    I would certainly put my name down on that to help a fellow out, its a crazy situation, reading through all the posts and the blog, my goodness, in this day and age you wonder how this could happen.

    I cant believe the British embassy is not helping him out further on this,

    Does the UK, press understand what is going on? Where is his home town, can we write to his local papers get them on the case as well?

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