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Thread: Whatever happened to British detained?

  1. #151
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Irishman... I have not received an email from you. If I had, I would have replied.
    Use PM
    Keith - Administrator

  2. #152
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    She has said that they got 8-12 years and will be transferred too another prison in two weeks.(2 serve a minimum of 2 years)
    Dont ask me!

  3. #153
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    So as they have done 5 they should be released?
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #154
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Something don,t sound right here. They have not been convicted as far as we know, as the key witness failed to show up in court each time

  5. #155
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    Something don,t sound right here. They have not been convicted as far as we know, as the key witness failed to show up in court each time
    That's what we were told..We were also told that the judge had said the charges were dropped and they were to be released by the end of this month.

    As you say...Something definitely ain't right!

  6. #156
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    Quote Originally Posted by tiger31 View Post
    something don,t sound right here they have not been convicted as far as we know as the key witness failed to show up in court each time
    That was everyone's understanding too ...........
    Especially Charlene and Kevin

  7. #157
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
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    Can't send him PM

  8. #158
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Irishman... I have not received an email from you. If I had, I would have replied.
    Not sure what happened then - checked your visitor messages and sent to the email there. Anyway, doesn't look like they will be needing it now?

  9. #159
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    This has recently been sent to me and explains in some detail what happened yesterday.

    subject …..KEVIN TAYLOR
    Hi ……..
    As you may now know, the news is not good. Due to one persistent claimant, demanding P60,000 damages, plus, taking into account all the other 'dismissed' cases, the judge found it necessary to impose fines amounting to some P216,000 and (presumably 'in lieu' of such) handed down prison sentences of circa 8 years.... reduced to about 2 years for time served.
    We understand that the sentences will be served in the new Bilibid prison in Muntinlupa. We understand this to be a 'mixed' prison but the indications are that the couple will be incarcerated in separate prisons. This has yet to be confirmed.
    I have spoken with Kevin’s father Gerald this morning and offered our condolences. They are coming to terms with the situation. At least they are no longer in limbo and they now know how things stand.
    The good news is that the sentences could be reduced to One Year depending upon ‘good behaviour'. (I have knowledge of sentences in Bilibid being halved on this basis)
    Kevin has expressed his definite and continuing devotion to Charlene with a determination to provide for her as best he can, seemingly, upon completion of his sentence, Kevin will be deported, at the expense of the Philippine government, and all outstanding fines revoked.
    This leaves us with the question, "Where do we go from here?" Hopefully, we will, individually and severally, continue to offer the same support as before.
    In order to assist in our decision making, I am seeking clarification of the situation as per the email copied below. There may be some merit in canvassing for Kevin's immediate deportation on the lines of section 11) below?Comments/suggestions please! No doubt you will pass on this information to others whose conscience sees them wanting justice.
    Note to the parents
    To Gerald and Mary, (Kevin’s parents)
    You have done your best! As devoted parents you have our continuing support.
    For now, take a rest and have a break, guilt free! You both deserve it!!!
    Best Wishes,

    Date: Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 10:14 AM
    Subject: URGENT! Re: Kevin Taylor
    Attention Hon. Ambassador Asif Ahmad
    Cc:, and Mr. Brendan Gill.
    Dear Hon. Ambassador, Asif Ahmad
    I am URGENTLY seeking news regarding Mr Kevin Taylor, a British subject imprisoned at San Mateo. I am a friend of Kevin’s parents, Gerald and Mary Taylor. Your Mr Brendan Gill is dealing with this matter.
    Mr Taylor and his partner Charlene attended a hearing today with the expectation that all charges against them were to be dismissed and that he would be released, unfortunately, we hear that they have instead been committed to a further term in prison.
    Could you please clarify the exact position regarding:-
    1) On what basis were the sentences handed down and what is the duration of these sentences ... for both Kevin and Charlene?
    2) Were any fines imposed? If so, were these issued jointly or individually against Kevin and Charlene?
    3) Are the prison sentences ‘in lieu' of these fines? That is, will the fines be relinquished after sentence is served, or will they stand?
    4) Would immediate payment of such fines have constituted immediate release?
    5) Is there any likelihood of an Appeal being successful or would such be ill-advised?
    6) In which penal institutions will Kevin and Charlene serve the remainder of their sentences?
    7) What means of contact will there be within these institutions ... for receiving donations, food/ clothing/ medicinal parcels? Do you have Telephone Nos, email addresses etc. to allow us to contact them?
    8) What visitation rights will they have? How much liberty will they have? Will they have access to each other?
    9) What standard of medical care will be available? We understand that Kevin’s eyesight is failing rapidly!
    10) On release, what future will the couple have together? Will Kevin be deported and if so, on what terms?
    11) Could a request be made for Kevin to be deported immediately.....? Perhaps on condition that he serve his remaining sentence in a UK jail? Such could be made on 'humane grounds' ... on the basis of his failing health/eyesight, removing the burden of his imprisonment from the Philippine Correctional system, thus allowing him greater means and access for providing support for his partner Charlene, as well as his family.
    12) What further help and support can the British Embassy or FCO offer?
    We are in close contact with various groups and individuals who have offered support to Kevin and his partner Charlene over the past 5 years. The above information will help us greatly in determining what level of support we can continue to offer.
    Any further information or advice from you would be most welcome, thankyou. Signed Mr. …… (Name withheld in this note)

  10. #160
    Respected Member tiger31's Avatar
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    Can,t believe all this crap

  11. #161
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    ​As you may now know, the news is not good. Due to one persistent claimant, demanding P60,000 damages, plus, taking into account all the other 'dismissed' cases, the judge found it necessary to impose fines amounting to some P216,000 and (presumably 'in lieu' of such) handed down prison sentences of circa 8 years.... reduced to about 2 years for time served.

    Am I reading this correctly? They're being incarcerated for 2 more years for the sake of a poxy £3000
    If this money were to be raised then would they be released Or would it take a further £10K to expedite the process

  12. #162
    Admin's Assistant ^_^ raynaputi's Avatar
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    This is already too much for the couple! Justice system in the Philippines is really something I would NEVER be proud of or even believe in at what cost. I'm so sorry to Kevin and Charlene for being put in this horrible horrible situation!
    ...When you realize you want to spend the rest of your life with somebody, you want the rest of your life to start as soon as possible...

  13. #163
    Respected Member bigmarco's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SimonH View Post

    Am I reading this correctly? They're being incarcerated for 2 more years for the sake of a poxy £3000
    If this money were to be raised then would they be released Or would it take a further £10K to expedite the process
    That was my interpretation Surely between supporters and a bit of local help from the British Embassy this could be sorted. Or am I being naive?

  14. #164
    Respected Member Michael Parnham's Avatar
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    It's certainly a very messy situation, I don't think £3000 would bring things to a conclusion. Someone else would put another obstacle in the way for even more money and so it would go on. Very unfair to play with peoples emotions like this, I really feel for them!

  15. #165
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    How cruel!

    Building up their hopes only for the carpet to be pulled away from them.

  16. #166
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    thanks for the help

    Thanks for the help, but guys we need now your help more as we will be transferred to a bigger prison in 15 days... we need to buy and get a lot of things ... lists are in the yahoogroup...try to call Kevin at the jail, he needs people to talk to now pls

  17. #167
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    From Yahoo group..
    Let's do what we can.

    Attorney came today and give us the things that may happen.... we already submitted appeal and the result maybe after 60 days....if it favors us we will be free on that day but for the 10 to 15 days we will be transferred to cerrectional and a lot of things that we need to buy...again Kevin and I are asking your help

    Things needed
    10 white shirt (Cha) 10 orange shirt (Kevin)
    White sheets and covers
    Foam for Kevin and mat
    Towels white
    Shorts Kevin any color
    Shorts Cha white only
    Pants Cha white only, Kevin any color

    Packed or canned goods
    Biscuits and breads for Kevin...vitamins for Kevin
    Coffee or tea for Kevin

  18. #168
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    For those of us over here who want to help out in some way then how do we go about it?

  19. #169
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Usually Simon we send cash straight to those in our little group that visit Cha and Kevin delivering bits and pieces like she`s asking for..Its a bit Ad Hok but it works..
    On other occasions any amount of money is sent too Gerald and his wife (Kevins mum and Dad)via his personal PAY PAL account that then attend too much of their needs.. BTW.. We are talking Razor blades,a jar of Marmite and the kind of stuff on Charlenes list..
    Simon..If you want to send a bit of cash for a few pair of shorts and one or two Tee shirts and some cans of Tuna etc,join our little group here..

    I have just asked for updated donation updated details and Geralds Paypal acc etc so its clear too members that want to help out.. I`ll put any other credible donation facts just as soon as I have them confirmed...
    Cheers mate!


  20. #170
    Respected Member SimonH's Avatar
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    Cheers Fred,

    I've now joined yahoo and am awaiting confirmation to join the group

  21. #171
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Directly from our Group..

    At Present,
    Cash can be sent, via Western Union or similar, for payment to.........
    The Payment should be in Pesos!
    Eden is in Manila and will purchase what is required, so far as is possible.

    The 'Transaction Codes' (MTCN) should be emailed to Peter, at email
    You also need to quote the Exact Amount, in Pesos, which Eden is due to collect.
    Peter will send this information to Eden.

    So far as I know, address details for Eden are not required.
    Certainly, from the UK, where I donated, these were not needed.

    (The above arrangement will stay in force until the move to new detention centres necessitates a change. We will keep you advised.)

    Thank You,

    Sounds like any cash sent needs to get there before they are transferred Simon.

  22. #172
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Don't worry Charlene..We will do our best!!
    Keep your chin up..At least it's the beginning of the end now.

  23. #173
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Simon.. Was you able to join that group by the way?? A few people tell me their membership still needs to be approved? Is that right?

  24. #174
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    We are given only 15 days to file an appeal....that's our main problem. As I've checked the legal fees (google to Court of Appeal legal fee) can any one check or recommend a cheap lawyer for appeal please? As, if we win the appeal, Kevin and I will be free in 90 days

  25. #175
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    I spoke with a lawyer yesterday and one will come tomorrow, Atty Ignacio Casaino. I will inquire for the fees and charges as we need to file an appeal before the 13th ....we need help for this please.

    I will be transferred maybe on the 14th and Kevin may be on the 21st. But I am asking for consideration as we don't have things to bring yet. Soon as Kevin and I are at Correctional, we can have an access with the internet Kevin can message you

  26. #176
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    Those are the payments for appeal. Kevin will be placed in RDC camp Sampaguita Bilibid Prison I will be at Correctional Institution for Women. Was told that I will be first to be transferred, as I have another female inmate convicted...but with Kevin, he will be last to be transferred as info must be subject for review with Immigration. But he is not allowed to be deported unless half the sentence is served

  27. #177
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    We have two options, Parole and Appeal.... for parole we will apply it once we've served he minimum, which is 8 yrs...with appeal, if we win in 90 days we can go home. No payments for parole that's good. Only appeals are paid, plus the lawyer, but I asked for a cheap lawyer to do the Appeal. Anyway, it's only filing - no more hearing or trial

  28. #178
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    There are two uniforms given each prisoner....usually that is what's to be used outside the cell. The clothes and other stuff are placed in the prison locker with key together with other stuff that the inmate will bring, and their groceries. I was told that water is payable in the Correctional, so Kevin has to bring a water container to save him from buying all the time.

    Plus, since other foods are expensive inside, it is better to bring your own foods. That is called 'extra foods' ...there are supply foods from the prison, but again, foods from inside are usually not enough. Toiletries are not free nor given by the prison - such as soap, shampoo, deodorant and laundry soap - usually inmates are allowed to work inside prison to buy these things ... like me, I will be working at the Admin as Admin Jail aide as i was also in here and will get salary every month. But since Kevin is a foreigner he's not allowed to work unless he will do livelihood.

    Plangana, tabo, hanger and sabunan are personally used by inmates - which are important to have as you cannot borrow them from others, especially new comers... it's ok to have second hand as brand new isn't important. 2 big plastic box containers at least 45 or 30 L big are important as those are where you have to place your stuff before putting into your locker as bags are not allowed. I advance that Kevin will bring extra foods as he will be changed double usually that is what they do for foreigners. But it is important that he has his own money to pay for the internet and cellphone and water

  29. #179
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    He can receive visitors but it is important to give the list of possible visitors now to avoid delays, as he will put that in his carpeta...inmate's records same as me.

  30. #180
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    So again, as soon as I get onto the computer, I will keep on sending messages to you, the same as Kevin

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