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Thread: citizenship and naturalisation

  1. #1
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    citizenship and naturalisation

    hello all

    soon i will be making the application for citizenship for my wife and step daughter,i have looked on the border agency website for information and i have a question that i can not find the answer to, anyone have the answer??

    if i am correct then i will apply for their citizenship mom and daughter on same form and pay the fee which includes the extra amount for our daughter. she is 13 years old by the way.

    then i read that it says once she turns 18 years old she must apply for naturalisation.

    it then also says that she must show knowledge of uk and esol, it does not say if she has done her education here that she is excempt, she will of done one year primary and all secondary education here by the time she is 18.

    and also will this mean that she would be required to then pay the full fee again .

    i am confused by this anyone already done this.

    thanks in advance
    john, alona and jhona

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    child(ren) under 18, can not apply for naturalization they have to make an application for registration as British citizen , which may be submitted at the same time as either parent's naturalization application. Registration at discretion under section 3(1).

    i think your mixing up with children under 18 and over 18 application process

  3. #3
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    hi joe bloggs
    thanks for the reply
    yes it was always my be that we would make the citizen application for alona and we would include jhona on the application.

    its just that as i was reading the border agency ( AS CLEAR AS A PANE OF GLASS WEBSITE) i read a section about a child under 18 applying for citizenship and it then says the child when turning 18 must register and apply for naturalisation and it was confusing me because i thought that when anyone was given citizenship it was the same thing, but i must be wrong in thinking that.

    take care mate

  4. #4
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    fill in the form MN1 for your stepdaughter and send it with your wife's AN app

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