First of all - Hello everybody.

Here is my case:

I am a Polish citizen living in the UK.

On 29 of May 2009 (Friday evening) I was caught while I was doing 103.1 on M25 in mine Toyota. I was the only person in the car.

Because I have Polish driving license the policeman couldn’t do anything – just check all my papers (ID and a Polish driving license) and gave me the paper with the notice that I have to go to the police station within 7 days and produce my papers about the car - Insurance, MOT, etc. I went to the police station on Monday – 3 days after the event (so within 7 days) and showed them everything (Polish driving license, Polish ID Card, Polish Passport, MOT, Insurance, etc. – everything was OK – valid MOT, valid insurance etc.).

Later on – in late October I have received a letter ‘summons’ – about the whole issue – which sais me to go to Magistrate Court in Guilford on Tue, 24 of Nov 2009 about the whole issue. I did – - I plead guilty in the front on the Magistrate Court (and I have promised that I will never do it again) – and I got 6 penalty points, and a fine (total £358 - divided as:
- £300 as a HM COURTS SERVICE,
- £43 as a SURREY POLICE speeding – exceed 70 mph manned equipment,

As I have a Polish driving license I couldn’t help it, but I have to go to the court – there is no other option in that case.

I have applied for a permanent residence using EEA-3 form on 13 of June 2010 and got it on 01 of Sept 201 (date on the document - Residence Documentation is 25 of Aug 2010). Of course I have mentioned that I have had the speeding issue (Magistrate Court) described above. So, it was not even a year after the event and I get my Residence Documents. Now I am going to apply for a British Citizenship (I got the rest of it – like exam Life in the UK passed first time, etc.).

If I apply for a British Citizenship using Form AN – how this will end?
Will I get a British Citizenship or most likely it will be rejected on the occasion and the issue described above?

If more details are needed – please do not hesitate to ask.

Hope somebody can help me.....