Hi! am just new here..I got interested in looking for this kind of site when I started engaging in an online chat with a British guy..He got noticed of me first in a travel site.. he sent me message if we could chat..since i thought that engaging in a online chat will not harm me, i agreed..we've been talking for more than a month now..until one time he asked me if i could go to his place and to live with him and start a family..i asked him that he should be the one who should visit me first here in the Philippines than me going over to london..I told him that he should meet my family first and if he is really interested in me and if he cares for me should exert effort to visit me here in the Philippines. I also told him that he should not rush things since we barely know each other that we should give our selves more time to know each other.. He told me that since I don't wanna be with him, there is no need for us to know each other more..He said that his purpose of me going over his place and live with him is for us to get to know each other more..And with that he told me that we should stop talking..I told him that he is asking me something that would put me in a risk if ever I'll go to his place..He wants me to go to London and live with him whereas I only asked him to pay a visit and meet my family if he really has good intentions..I didn't asked him to live here in the Philippines..Apparently, he doesn't know that generally Filipinas are conservative and family oriented..In any case, i never regret my decision..it only means that he is not really meant for me..