
Please can you help me with some information in regards to bringing my Philippino girlfriend of 5 years, over to England for a Holiday/Vacation for 3 weeks this year? I have been to the Philippines 6 times now, and I would love to bring my girlfriend to England for a visit.

So we would like to know what EXACTLY is needed by me and by my girlfriend to proceed with an application. How long the process takes before a Visa is issued and the total cost of the whole application process. My girlfriend lives in the Philippines and I live in London.

We would also like to know, if we wanted to get married sometime in the future, and travel around the world, would it be easier for me to get married in the Philippines or bring her to England and get married here?

I do not know if you can give me all the answers I require from the information I have already given you, but any information regarding my enquiry will be most greatly received.

Many Thanks to you all