70K for a sole custody agreement paper?? thats a ripped off!!
like what ive said and to quote your post from #10 ' Her husband has fully co-operated so far, so I am hopeful he will also do this''and the fact that the child is living under the care of her mother a simple 'paternal consent' together with the annulment papers is powerful enough to prove 'sole custody and sole responsibility'
how young is the child? as what joebloggs said if the child is under 7years old the custody is mostly awarded to the mother,and if the child is above 7years old ,the child is free to choose where she/he wants to live.
who is the petitioner and the respondent in the annulment papers?? ..and what is the ground for annulment?
make sure your fiance also get an annotated copy from NSO once the finality of the annulment is out as this would take about 3weeks to process ,she will need to attach this together with all her documents for her visa.