Quote Originally Posted by gWaPito View Post
Thats too many hours Joe. With my 2 hour round trip, im doing on average 16 hour working 'day' but, im doing a simple job, not the stress your wife is under, nowhere near! Something will give Joe if those hours are kept up. I just saying we are all human and thats what humans do, make mistakes. None of us are perfect. I know Joe, you are standing up for your wife and her profession like all good husbands do
thankfully she doesnt have to do them hours too often but there is A rota so usually someone she works with is doing them hours

as for treatment a couple of months ago i went to A&e with chest pains, i was being treated within 20 mins, spent the next 24hrs being monitored, i've got no complaints at all.

secondly, that could be one of the problems, large teaching hospitals, they will have so many junior docs that they dont get to do all the procedures or not as often as those in 'quieter' hospitals.

my misses told me that where she works, i young junior doc had moved from london to lancaster to gain more experience as in london she was competing against to many other junior docs..