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Thread: Wanadoo Broadband on Livebox

  1. #1
    Respected Member ginapeterb's Avatar
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    Ok guys, I am currently working on a back up broadband connection at 576 KBps on speedtouch modem, direct into phone line.

    I recently changed to Wanadoo's new livebox, that is a wireless network mode, I had nothing but problems with it, it uses WEP and has a personal key which is unique to each user, but I have spent 3 or 4 nights trying to sort out problems with it.

    When I phone Wanadoo, the phone operators, are girls working in Ventura near Barnsley in South Yorkshire, their knowledge is limited, and there are no software engineers to help, also Windows messages are not supported, so if their is a wireless network problem they cant help.

    For last 2-3 days the problem has rectified itself, although I dont know how, and I have been receiving my wireless network ok, 54Mbps and its been good, that is the connection between the USB Adaptor and live box, however now I get errors saying "Windows was unable to find a certificate to log you onto network Wanadoo 3DF6" I suspect their is a software bug in windows...however I have got so fed up with it..I have gone back to my dependable speedtouch connection for now.

    What I need really, is a fast 2MB connection, anyone got any ideas on who are the best providers, and what should I go for ??/

    Any suggestions

  2. #2
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    Originally posted by ginapeterb@May 19 2005, 07:16 PM
    Ok guys, I am currently working on a back up broadband connection at 576 KBps on speedtouch modem, direct into phone line.

    I recently changed to Wanadoo's new livebox, that is a wireless network mode, I had nothing but problems with it, it uses WEP and has a personal key which is unique to each user, but I have spent 3 or 4 nights trying to sort out problems with it.

    When I phone Wanadoo, the phone operators, are girls working in Ventura near Barnsley in South Yorkshire, their knowledge is limited, and there are no software engineers to help, also Windows messages are not supported, so if their is a wireless network problem they cant help.

    For last 2-3 days the problem has rectified itself, although I dont know how, and I have been receiving my wireless network ok, 54Mbps and its been good, that is the connection between the USB Adaptor and live box, however now I get errors saying "Windows was unable to find a certificate to log you onto network Wanadoo 3DF6" I suspect their is a software bug in windows...however I have got so fed up with it..I have gone back to my dependable speedtouch connection for now.

    What I need really, is a fast 2MB connection, anyone got any ideas on who are the best providers, and what should I go for ??/

    Any suggestions
    Pete, while I cant say which is the "best" provider, I am with Pipex on a 2mb unlimited connection, and although £33.99 unlimited per month is expensive, it is a good reliable connection - Pipex are repected as a quality provider. Take a look at ADSL GUIDE for everything you need to know about ADSL. Plusnet and TalkTalk have good deals at the moment.

    My set up is this : a Netgear D834G router/adsl/coffee maker/lawnmower/wireless54G, in downstairs office, which is linked to 1 pc wired, and my pc which is wireless on a Belkin PCI card. We also have a laptop on the wireless Belkin card, so at any one time, theres 3 machines running all on the internet, and never had a problem.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Myself, and a number of my members use , you need the Premier package for using P2P

    I pay £40 for a 30:1 contention, and 8MB/s download speed.

    Just got a Best of Shania Twain of Bit Torrent in less than 2 mins

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by admin@May 20 2005, 06:52 AM
    and 8MB/s download speed.

    Just got a Best of Shania Twain of Bit Torrent in less than 2 mins
    I didnt know the 8 mb was available in Wales - my impression was that only a few selected exchanges in London and Scotland were testing/trial on that speed.

    Shania Twain? hmmm... <_<

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    N Wales
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    She goes well with Iron Maiden (seen many times), Scorpions (seen them last month with Juada Priest), Meatloaf (just got my tickets for the Liverpool gig), U2...and the quiet Motorhead :blink:

    Keith & Ping

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