Heya guys!I jus took the test last Feb 17 and i only reviewed for about 3 straight days non stop practicing and reading just to refresh my english language skills...Yesterday i had my speaking test and the british interviewer from the british council told me i did quite good.(Thank god!) I took the General module so it was really easy and a bit challenging actually.But one should realy need to practice since its time limit.Practice the listening,reading and writting letters and essay(general).Your wife should think in english at all times and actually study basic grammar(elementary english) then you're good to go. Test results are delivered 13 days after the test and she can also view it online,in my case the british council. The test cost about 8,640 pesos.I took the test here in Cebu...
Your wife need not to worry and not also underestimate the General module Test coz it can be very difficult as well if she didnt review or practice.