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Thread: I need a very sincere advice.....please everyone

  1. #1
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    I need a very sincere advice.....please everyone

    last year feb and march 2009 i applied for my daughter visit visa to come to UK but unfortunately she was refused of entry. the reasons:

    I asked a consent (which was really un necessary) from the father knowing that ECO might ask so i ncluded in her application but was refused cos i was not able to provide any financial evidence, the second application which i filed 2 weeks after was again refused cos the ECO was not satisfied of the documents from her fther that he was capable of supporting her.

    Now my big concern is that I am planning to apply for her settlement, she is turning 16 in feb, graduating from highschool in March it just about time that she join me here in UK with her step dad who were supporting her since 2007
    The sole responsibility is so critical, I am the sole responsible for the up bringing of my daughter, and i have all the evidence for that and i have the sole custody as declared in my annulment papers, i should have not asked for a consent from her father in the first place it only made the situation go wrong when i was just trying to be honest... he contributed once for my daughters education ioned in her first application, and that was mentbut that was it nothing more, he have his own family now and has no say for my daughter's welfare

    I had seek for an advise from a friend who is an immigration adviser but told me that she will likely be refused of the settlement due to the past refusal but i want to prove it wrong, if the CEO will just look at the settlement application and wont look back at the refusal we should be alright.

    But who knows... I am shivering just thinking about it, cant afford of a refusal and not having my daughter with me, who has nothing but me... I still help her with home works on line, we talk everyday...tells her when to take medicine...all i want is to

    any advice from all the friends in the forum?

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    past refusals for a visit visa sould not effect your daughters settlement visa app

    you should make sure your app is %100 correct and you include everything your asked for b4 you apply

    didnt you appeal against the refusals ??

    when was the last time you lived with your daughter? who looks after your daughter ?

  3. #3
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    thank you joeblogs i was hoping that you would read my thread was meaning to send you a PM but hoping our friends in the furom can help me and enligthen me, I did not appeal for the visit visa refusal what i did was to lodge a second appilcation for i wanted her to travel with me last year coming back to UK.

    the last time I was with her was from feb to april last year, i do go home as much as we can afford and stay with her for few months before coming back to UK, my trusted nanny/helper is with looking after her and my mother, who moves from my sister place and to my daughter everynow and then.

    will it help if i get a letter from the father that he has not hing to do with my daughter's up bringing and welfare or will it just make any complication, he still live in the same city but 30 mins away from my daughter's place.

    what else should i include to make my application %100 correct.
    planning to take my daughter with me in April back here in UK

  4. #4
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    i am no expert on these matters BUT if you have legal sole responsability for your daughter then i wouldnt complicate matters by bringing her father into it as happened last time.

    but like i said i am no expert its just my opinion.

  5. #5
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    i think thesame Sparky, just what ever it takes to bring my daughter we will do it....

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    feb to april last year, what about b4 that ? when was the last time you lived with her ?? not visting her ..

    i take it the father is named on her birth cert ? if so, if he can write a letter giving his consent that would help, when was the last time she lived with her bio father??

    you might have a problem with sole responsibility...

  7. #7
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    what visa do you have in the uk ??

  8. #8
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    hello beth welcome back!!

    you should have not asked about the fathers consent anymore since you are awarded with the sole custody of your child meaning you are the only parent supporting her daily activities in life and this is the reason why you got refused but anyway,your child is looked after by your mum since the day you left her/him,... Do you have any legal document stating that your mum is the legal guardian of your child and you were still the one concern of her daily activities in life??if not let your mum speak to a lawyer in the Philippines about this ''legal guardian'' document which will be duly signed by you and your mum(am afraid you should have done this before you leave your child) but at least try it.
    and attached this legal document together with all the evidences,phone calls,chat logs,remittances,school documents,health insurance of your child to prove sole responsibility.
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  9. #9
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    feb to april last year, what about b4 that ? when was the last time you lived with her ?? not visting her ..

    i take it the father is named on her birth cert ? if so, if he can write a letter giving his consent that would help, when was the last time she lived with her bio father??

    you might have a problem with sole responsibility...
    Joeblogs, I was with her and raised her alone from birth till i came here in Uk in 2008, I was a governemnt employee back in phils we left the father in 2003 and had been renting our own place since then,

    yes joeblog her father is named on her birth cert, it was when i got trouble when i got a consent from the faather for her visit visa, the CEO asked for his support and i was not able to provide that correctly but i shouldn,t have asked him of consent since we are annulled and i have the sole custody and no support were asked.

  10. #10
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
    hello beth welcome back!!

    you should have not asked about the fathers consent anymore since you are awarded with the sole custody of your child meaning you are the only parent supporting her daily activities in life and this is the reason why you got refused but anyway,your child is looked after by your mum since the day you left her/him,... Do you have any legal document stating that your mum is the legal guardian of your child and you were still the one concern of her daily activities in life??if not let your mum speak to a lawyer in the Philippines about this ''legal guardian'' document which will be duly signed by you and your mum(am afraid you should have done this before you leave your child) but at least try it.
    and attached this legal document together with all the evidences,phone calls,chat logs,remittances,school documents,health insurance of your child to prove sole responsibility.
    Thank you for the input, yes I will do that, i will have to ask my mother to write a letter and all possible evidences that may help in this undewrtaking, just thinking about failing it again is breaking my heart and i cant move on living here in UK with out my daughter it just doesnt make me happy....

  11. #11
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    what visa do you have in the uk ??
    I am in a spouse visa right now and applying for my ILR in October.

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