White Beach, Graham? I was in Or Mdo for a week last Aug, Elaine's family are from Mansalay in the South East of the island. We spent 3 days at White Beach, Puerto Galera and had a great time. Everything looks a bit dated, and like it's seen better days, but it has a charm about it and we'd happily go back again - in fact we may go back for a few days later this year
Compared to Boracay and Panglao everything is cheap, the only slight downer is that it seems to be a magnet for transgender bar workers. Every bar along White Beach was packed with Tranny bar girl/boysElaine and I had a good laugh with some of them, but after a while the campness and drama becomes a bit tiresome
edit: not bar boy/girls in the way we associate with Ph, I meant bar servers/waitresses