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Thread: Where would you live?

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  1. #1
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    As for me, I will be living solely on pension payments.
    Carina, however may have different ideas such as renting out properties and bedspace.
    That's up to her. I just want to keep low profile, blend in and enjoooooooooy.
    I'll be in the same position, relying on my Pension annuity, tax free lump sum from my pension, plus any other savings or equity I accumulate until then. Based on my own projections of my retirement funds allowing for conservative growth, and allowing for average inflation in Filipino living costs I'll be in a relatively comfortable position then.

    However, factors completely out of my control are investment growth rates over the next 17 years, and Filipino inflation rates. One thing that does concern me is that as Filipino's become more affluent, prices will rise there faster than they will here. Currently the Philippines is much cheaper than the surrounding area, I fear it may have caught up by the time I am ready to retire

    Edit: another factor is exchange rates. If the Filipino economy performs well over the next 15 - 20 years, it's currency will strengthen, and instead of getting 66-70 pesos to the pound we might only be getting 40. I'm sure that will severly affect all of our plans

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    Edit: another factor is exchange rates. If the Filipino economy performs well over the next 15 - 20 years, it's currency will strengthen, and instead of getting 66-70 pesos to the pound we might only be getting 40. I'm sure that will severly affect all of our plans
    I will probably be one of the few expats cheering this on in the future. I've got a couple of places here and bought in at 85 to 1. I still think there is a bit of a bubble developing with property here though.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I'll be in the same position, relying on my Pension annuity, tax free lump sum from my pension, plus any other savings or equity I accumulate until then. Based on my own projections of my retirement funds allowing for conservative growth, and allowing for average inflation in Filipino living costs I'll be in a relatively comfortable position then.

    However, factors completely out of my control are investment growth rates over the next 17 years, and Filipino inflation rates. One thing that does concern me is that as Filipino's become more affluent, prices will rise there faster than they will here. Currently the Philippines is much cheaper than the surrounding area, I fear it may have caught up by the time I am ready to retire

    Edit: another factor is exchange rates. If the Filipino economy performs well over the next 15 - 20 years, it's currency will strengthen, and instead of getting 66-70 pesos to the pound we might only be getting 40. I'm sure that will severly affect all of our plans
    I'm at the other end of the scale, so to speak. Already in receipt of my private pensions
    with my state pension to come in 5 years. So... no way to increase my now fixed income pensions. (well apart from the inflation increases ...... like that!!)

    Englishman, do your research and find as risk-free as possible way to optimise any pension type income. You still have time.
    You can never have enough pension.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    I'm at the other end of the scale, so to speak. Already in receipt of my private pensions
    with my state pension to come in 5 years. So... no way to increase my now fixed income pensions. (well apart from the inflation increases ...... like that!!)

    Englishman, do your research and find as risk-free as possible way to optimise any pension type income. You still have time.
    You can never have enough pension.
    I hear what you are saying Terpe, but risk free usually means no growth in real terms after the effects of inflation are taken into account. I still have my pension pot invested mainly in equities, about 50% in the UK and the rest spread around various funds in USA/Europe and the Far East, only a small amount is in Gilt Edged securities or cash funds, but as my retirement date draws nearer I'll gradually switch it out of equities into gilts.

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