Very sadly we lost our baby due to a miscarriage a few days ago, the cause { medical speak was " chromosomal abberation." }
Tragically Maricris carried for a long time { 6 months } and this is
a heartbreaking scenario for both of us.
HOWEVER!!! The reason i am posting here is to greatly warn other members of some of the dangers and pitfalls that i have experienced recently of the Filipino medical care system, superstitions and other experiences.
We travelled to Cebu especially to seek a check up from a top doctor when she was 5 months pregnant and was given a glowing report by a well qualified, caring and professional doctor so all was well at that time or so we thought.............
Approx 2-3 weeks ago there was a definate slow down of movement by the baby but i did not find out for days as my Girlfriend did not want to bother me cos she assumed i was working hard here in the UK and did not want me to worry! When she did finally tell me i was naturally annoyed and insisted that she have a check up by her local doctor which she did, they did a routine check and everything seemed fine.
All this time we were doing our regular online chats on YM sometimes for 2-3 hours a day occasionally more.
We were making a lot of plans for the future etc.
So, come the big day of the 6 month ultrasound, no heartbeat was detected and the cold as ice technician/nurse informed her that our baby had died!
Shocked she went home and i received a message by email of what had happened when i woke that morning.
Obviously she was distraught and immediately sought out her family and close friends who shockingly re-assured her that she was not to worry and that they could feel a heartbeat! She then sent me a text and later came online saying for me not to worry but of course i believed the ultrasound and that in fact our baby had died. What transpired next was some of the worst few hours of my life waiting for a 100% confirmation. She was scared to go to the hospital but i insisted.
The doctor there confirmed our worst fears and then advised her to go home and wait to see if a natural labour would occur.
I sought professional help both here and with a friend in Manila who has close ties to top doctors in Makati. Their prognosis was to get her induced sooner than Maricris was being advised.
I insisted that she go to hospital, the "top" one in her town of Dipolog Mindanao - a private hospital.
Once there her Father then had to go and obtain antibiotics from pharmacies outside the hospital because they had run out! There were none in the town so he had to travel by bus hours to the next town.
Next i had to put up with speculation about why she lost the baby, talk of Wak Waks { vampires!!!} etc was bandied about by even her Mother!!
I have visited the Philippines many times and am totally used to their superstitions and beliefs but to hear it in this situation was beyond belief to me as a Westerner brought up in our society.
I am posting this a s a warning to many on this site that if your Wife/ Partner does fall pregnant there please make sure she is near to top medical facilities and be prepared for crazy talk and superstition!
We were planning to have this child in a top facility in Cebu or Manila but could not foresee that this tragedy would happen now at this time, hopelessly stuck in such a third world environment.
Please think carefully folks i would not wish this on anyone!