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Thread: Financial requirements for Fiance Visa?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
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    Question Financial requirements for Fiance Visa?


    First post here, but I've been checking this forum for a while, and it's very informative.

    I've known my partner for 4 years, and lived with her in the Philippines for collectively two years, with a break in between, when I returned to the UK. The second time in the Philippines up until the end of 2010. During the entire break in between I sent money continually and we of course stayed in contact online and via telephone the entire time.

    TBH I always had the impression before that UK VISAs were next to impossible to get, at leat for unmarried people, which is one reason I have never looked into UK VISAs before, otherwise I may have made an application with my partner last year when I was in the Philippines. But since coming back to the UK I'm missing her so much I started looking into it and found out about the Fiance Visa and this site. It's been very inspriring to see success stories here showing it can be done.

    However one thing I've read about the Fiance Visa is the need to show 6 months wages and/or proof of employment. I'm a freelance webmaster/web designer and also make money via affiliate marketing/advertising. Basically what I make is online and is not a regular wage. I've never relied on any kind of state support/welfare for years, however, and maintained my house in the UK the entire time I was living in the Philippines.

    What I'm wondering is, since I was living in the Philippines for 15 months till the end of November last year, and since I don't have a 'regular' job, but I'm basically 'self employed' making money online, is this likely to be a problem? I can show (printouts of) online payments made to me, and also bank statements of savings (not huge), but is this enough? Is it the amount/regularity of money that matters (like a regular job) or will it be taken into consideration that over the last few years I either lived with my partner in the Philippines while continuing to pay rent and other bills in the UK, and, when not in the Philippines, continually sending money to my partner?

    (TBH since coming back I'm racking up massive phone bills, which I'd be saving if she was here.)

    Hope someone can help. Thanks for a great forum.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
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    Actually I have a similar query to the one above. If you dont have a job or house but you do have substantial savings (e.g. over £400,000) then is this in itself sufficient to show that you will not be resorting to claiming public funds and therefore a visa will not be refused on these grounds?

    In the back of my mind I seem to recall that you cannot claim social benefits if you have a certain amount in the bank - used to be about £16k but is probably a little bit more now.

    Many thanks

  3. #3
    Member bruneicop's Avatar
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    Alfie I think with over 400k that will be more than enough they just want to see that you have enough cash to support. (and in theory you have enough to suport the both of you for years to come) would you not be better marrying first over in Philippines (or somewhere else and applying straight for the Spouse visa? would save you a bit of trouble and hassle.

    Ultra, as long as your bank statements show a steady stream of income you would be fine. ( and as long as between the income streams you are not going into the red i.e can show that you can support yourself,, also submit last years tax (if you have paid any) and its great that you can show that you have know each other for 4 years, (make sure you can give evidence of this as it will all help), but again, if you could marry somewhere first and you could apply direct for the spouse visa this will save you some hassle

    Good Luck

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