i think my emotions was hanging by a tread when i started this topic, im usualy very calm and patiend and let things happen when they are ready

but that goes out the window when my wifey is upset, i try to say all will be ok and be patient, but patience is her week point i think, and she sets me off panicking and leaves me feeling useless

but now that im getting more info on all the
requirements and what to do when the time is right, but there is nore little things i need to know, like,,,
how do i prove my address, is the address on my
bank statements good enough, i live with my mom at the moment, she rents off the housing assosiatin, but hopefully this year ill move in with her sis and her husband.
oh and also will my
wester union slips help with the spuse visa requirements, ive sent her some money about 10 times, averageing about £25 each time