Ok ... so hardly the most scintillating topic for a filipino/uk forum ... but anyway, here goes:

Yesterday, I received an official-looking brown envelope through Royal Mail. It was from the Office of the Sheriff Clerk. ... instant panic! "What the hell have I done?", I wondered. Was I being *summoned? And if so ... why?

Well ... I *was! In a sense, at least; turned out I had been "selected" as a potential candidate for Jury Service. Selected my ar$e! I use the word loosely ... because I don't believe for one minute that I'd actually been "chosen" - even at random - from Scotland's population of around 5 million.

In accordance with a new ruling - of which I was previously unaware - the Scottish Parliament [after some debate] had sanctioned a resolution whereby ... effective from January 11, 2011 ... persons between the ages of 65 and 71 years can be called upon by law to serve as members of a jury.

So I suspect ... or ... at any rate ... would not be at all surprised to discover that every "young" pensioner of my vintage throughout Scotland was sent a similar form for completion and return within 7 days of receipt.