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Thread: Significant value buys & pricey stuff in the Phils

  1. #31
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    Urgghh!! smoking is such a terrible habit and waste of money

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Urgghh!! smoking is such a terrible habit and waste of money

    I completely agree Terpe, see my earlier comment about buying an electronic cigarette on my last trip to the Phil's. I'll try it when my supplies run out

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    500 peso? ... ... buying them in the Phils that equates to the price of twenty-five 20-packs of 'Hope' [the best] cigarettes!!
    I used to call them the 'HOPE I don't get cancer' cigs.


  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Terpe View Post
    Urgghh!! smoking is such a terrible habit and waste of money
    Cultivate that thought Terpe

    We ex smokers are a bleedin annoying lot

  5. #35
    Member mindanao's Avatar
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    cigs comes cheap in phils, wondering if it got the same flavors or taste as some western brand cigs My relatives came home bringing those imported marlboro and most of my relatives wanting more of that imported cigs saying its taste good compared to pinas made

    so which is which that taste better

  6. #36
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    It depends what you're used to.

    Compared to British or American-made cigs Filipino ones taste very different (stronger ?), but you get used to them....especially at those prices.

    The ones you bring back from the Phils have people here asking what you're smoking...old socks ?

  7. #37
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    Is P10 good value for having a pee?
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  8. #38
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Is P10 good value for having a pee?
    I have a pic somewhere,I took it outside a public toilet in Digos??It offers Ihi for 5 pesos and kalibang for 10.

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  9. #39
    Respected Member purple's Avatar
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    I would say that there are things in Phils that are expensive too.. like getting branded stuffs which is 100% cheaper here in UK if they are on SALE... but for sure the foods are comparable cheap back home (Phils.) Of course getting to and fro is much more cheaper back home, but it really depends on your lifestyle.

    Back home, I realize that if I want something for two days worth of food and get personal stuffs... maybe its just because I'm getting it from supermarket would cost me about 10-20 pounds... and today, me and my husband went to get some food shopping which cost him 27 pounds for two of us is something I can compare... but of course it all goes down to one's lifestyle and eating habits.

    I don't smoke but I'm sure back home is very cheap.. specially the rhum
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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by purple View Post
    I would say that there are things in Phils that are expensive too.. like getting branded stuffs which is 100% cheaper here in UK if they are on SALE... but for sure the foods are comparable cheap back home (Phils.) Of course getting to and fro is much more cheaper back home, but it really depends on your lifestyle.

    Back home, I realize that if I want something for two days worth of food and get personal stuffs... maybe its just because I'm getting it from supermarket would cost me about 10-20 pounds... and today, me and my husband went to get some food shopping which cost him 27 pounds for two of us is something I can compare... but of course it all goes down to one's lifestyle and eating habits.

    I don't smoke but I'm sure back home is very cheap.. specially the rhum
    I think generally food is cheaper in the Phil's, but western brands are comparible and sometimes even more. I haven't been to a supermarket in the Phil's, but certainly in a 7/11 things like Coke, candies, chocolate, chewing gum ..etc seems to be similarly priced

  11. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    ......I haven't been to a supermarket in the Phil's, but certainly in a 7/11 things like Coke, candies, chocolate, chewing gum ..etc seems to be similarly priced
    There is a very big supermarket close to our house in Marikina. We've shopped there a few times and I can say overall It's expensive even by UK standards. Maybe even more so.
    It is just so crazy. Yet the place is always full and the shopping 'carts' always full.

    The local markets are at least 1/3 of the price (even at white guy prices)

  12. #42
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    I think you've been unlucky Terpe.

    Generally, supermarkets are much cheaper in the Phils, as they usually are here.

    It is worth bringing plumbing stuff like taps, and also electrical sockets, etc from the UK if you're planning on building a house, as quality is very poor in the Phils for the cheap locally produced ones, and you'll be either constantly repairing them or risk either flooding or burning the house down.

    The situation is improving though, now that more big DIY type outlets are opening over there, offering a bigger range.

    I also took all my tools with me, for the same reason.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    Supermarkets are much cheaper in the Phils......
    Not in any area we have been to recently Graham.

    In some of the 'Stack 'em high, sell 'em cheap' warehouses then yes.

  14. #44
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    I think you must live in the posh area then.

    Fruit and veg, yes I'll always get from the market because cheaper and fresher, but couldn't bring myself to buy any of that fly-blown meat under any circumstances.

    - Always frozen stuff from the supermarket or smaller specialist shop.

    I did grow a lot of fruit and veg myself though, and had rabbits chickens and ducks ...great eggs from the ducks.

  15. #45
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    We just killed the last of our ducks..Never again!!
    We do have 14 layer chickens but they are locked up with a septic tank of their own..
    Eggs are 5-6 Pesos each now so I sell the ones we dont need to pay for layer mash..
    So.. free eggs for us!
    Inflation here on certain items is frightening.. 2 months ago a bottle of Gasul was 650.00 for 11 KG..
    Now its 900.00 Pesos!! Now thats inflation.

  16. #46
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    Good god.
    Last time I was there it was about 350 pesos !

    My main business was breeding cage and aviary birds, and making cages and aviaries for expats.

    Before I had the proper restaurant/shop/house built, I constructed a shop from timber at the front of the house for the ex's dressmaking business.

    We also used to sell the excess eggs and rabbit meat, plus literally hundreds of kilos of fruit from our 3 Avocado and one Mango tree.

  17. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    I think generally food is cheaper in the Phil's, but western brands are comparible and sometimes even more. I haven't been to a supermarket in the Phil's, but certainly in a 7/11 things like Coke, candies, chocolate, chewing gum ..etc seems to be similarly priced
    It's £1.50 for a 500ml coke in the UK, it's 8 peso for a 250 bottle from any sari sari store in Manila.

    Yes there are places you can get a Coke cheaper in the UK, for me it's Irn Bru and I buy bulk from Makro at about 23p a can about 33 peso but soft drinks are definitely cheaper in the Phils.

    Meat is cheaper but the margin is closing, rice is much cheaper over there but again getting much more expensive than it used to be, again I can get close to the Philippine rice prices by buying from UK Makro.

  18. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    We just killed the last of our ducks..Never again!!
    We do have 14 layer chickens but they are locked up with a septic tank of their own..
    Eggs are 5-6 Pesos each now so I sell the ones we dont need to pay for layer mash..
    So.. free eggs for us!
    Inflation here on certain items is frightening.. 2 months ago a bottle of Gasul was 650.00 for 11 KG..
    Now its 900.00 Pesos!! Now thats inflation.
    Yeah the inflation is getting scary Fred and you live in the cheaper bit :(

  19. #49
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Not sure thats true Jim.. 11 Kg in Manila is around the 700 mark.
    They say its to do with transportation but I think its more to do with a scam.. Transport cost may have incresed prices a little but not a massive % rise like we have just had.
    Its not always cheaper in the Province..Most things are cheaper in the big cities Ive noticed.

  20. #50
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    We are selling rice at 33peso a kilo just now Fred, in Manila.

    I'm surprised that the provinces are more expensive? I always thought there was an economy of scale from being closer to the production? (although a lot of rice is imported I guess)

  21. #51
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Depends on the rice you buy Jim.. Rice prices are about the same here but then I expect the whole country has to abide by the NFA price guide lines..
    Quality Imported rice can cost 3 times that amount!

  22. #52
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    For our use at home Ana has always bought Thai Jasmine and yes it is one of the most expensive and I guess closer to the 700 peso for 11kg, was not so bad a few years back but that's the big world food price crisis for you :(

    I can get Basmati 10Kg in the Makro near Liverpool for about 12 quid so very similar price to what you mention, Ana hates Basmati though

    I can get Thai Jasmine here in the UK at about 13 or 14 quid for 10 kg.

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