Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
Well its true of course any one can say whatever they like and very often do but its NO business of the British Government to insist other soveriegn states citizens should have a passport to marry a brit

I shall dash off a quick note to the Times

Perhaps the Receptionist was thinking ahead on your behalf lol
While you're at it, Keith perhaps you might include the following question:-

"Since the *British Embassy in Manila comes under the jurisdiction of the UK Government, why IS it that OUR citizens should be compelled to fork out a substantial additional fee [in Php] to *them in order to exchange their Certificates of No Impediment for a (less detailed) Phils version ... when they've already obtained an original from - and paid thirty-odd quid for it - at their local Registry Office back home?" It's a system!

And ... just for the record ... I'm fairly sure Filipina/o fiance(e)s are asked to produce their passports - mine certainly was!