Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
While you're at it, Keith perhaps you might include the following question:-

"Since the *British Embassy in Manila comes under the jurisdiction of the UK Government, why IS it that OUR citizens should be compelled to fork out a substantial additional fee [in Php] to *them in order to exchange their Certificates of No Impediment for a (less detailed) Phils version ... when they've already obtained an original from - and paid thirty-odd quid for it - at their local Registry Office back home?" It's a system!

And ... just for the record ... I'm fairly sure Filipina/o fiance(e)s are asked to produce their passports - mine certainly was!
Is it really just £30+ ? I thought we have to pay £64 to have it posted at the Regitrars Office then another £64 to have the actual certificate?


Or is it different if you apply in person through the local register? Hope it really is just £30+.