Thinking about it again (mind experiment) if you were going for small 15 inch CRT models a 20 foot container could fit about 17 by 6 by 6 at a very rough guess that's 612 units. If you could pick them up at 5 to 10 quid each say 7.50 each then that's £4,590 quid base investment.
A lot of running around later you would have a container full ready to ship, lets guestimate a selling price of 2500 peso each in the second hand market assuming they are A class condition and that 90% survive the journey then the return could be £19,600.
Then you have contacts and distributors and security over there to organise plus import duty etc. but there is quite a lot of margin to play with potentially, I might change my mind on this one it might not be crazy after all
PS again the issue would be that older CRT's might not be NTSC compatible.