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Thread: Is this possible?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    A better idea may be to buy 15 inch LCD's, if you trawl around enough car boot sales and ebay you might pick up older ones for £15 - £20 each. Whilst they are more expensive, you can probably fit twice even three times as many in the container, and sell them for a lot more This will give you a far greater gross profit on your container load inorder to cover the other costs which Jim has mentioned:

    Edit: Jim beat me too it and posted a few minutes before

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ako Si Jamie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    A better idea may be to buy 15 inch LCD's, if you trawl around enough car boot sales and ebay you might pick up older ones for £15 - £20 each. Whilst they are more expensive, you can probably fit twice even three times as many in the container, and sell them for a lot more This will give you a far greater gross profit on your container load inorder to cover the other costs which Jim has mentioned:

    Edit: Jim beat me too it and posted a few minutes before
    Just noticed your post. £15 -£20 sounds more like it but getting enough to fill a container would take an eternity if you did it this way.

  3. #3
    Respected Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post
    A better idea may be to buy 15 inch LCD's, if you trawl around enough car boot sales and ebay you might pick up older ones for £15 - £20 each. Whilst they are more expensive, you can probably fit twice even three times as many in the container, and sell them for a lot more This will give you a far greater gross profit on your container load inorder to cover the other costs which Jim has mentioned:

    Edit: Jim beat me too it and posted a few minutes before
    Correct me if I am wrong but the small ones were not really a big market over here, really we are talking about small LCD computer monitors of various native resolutions, i.e some of them 1024x768 some 800x600 and so on.

    LCD brings other issues, it only looks good at specific resolution and in the Phils NTSC is king, NTSC has lower vertical scan line resolution than PAL so again you might find that the result is poorer than what the locals are using already, there is a chic factor but they are not stupid, if the picture looks crap on local cable they will want their money back, flat screen or not. CRT is good that way, in that the good ones can cope with different scan rates.

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