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Thread: asking for some advise about getting married here

  1. #1
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    asking for some advise about getting married here

    what will happen if I get married while I'm in UK as a tourist for 6 months? I have a fiance here.. can anyone there give me some advise, what's the best things to do? Thanks God bless us ...

  2. #2
    Respected Member imagine's Avatar
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    hi mhaling, i believe that you cant get married here on a tourest visa, its not that simple, wish it was, im not the expert, but you will find good advise here from those that know, just now is good idea to read the posts there you will learn a lot

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    you cant get married on a tourist visa, at the mo you need a COA and i dont think you'll get one even if you did get married she would probably be refused a visa in the UK because she needs 'entry clearence' and that means a settlement visa applied for back in the phils..

    thou if you could find someone to marry you, you could try and apply for FLR(m) but the HO would takes a long time to process it and it will probably be refused

  4. #4
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    My advice is 'don't even think about it'.

    These days it will be very difficult indeed to actually find anyone to perform a marriage
    without a Fiancee Visa or Certificate of Approval to marriage (COA).

    If you entered on tourist visa and actually did manage to marry, you must still leave the UK before the visa expires.
    Then you would need to apply for a re-entry under a spouse visa.
    This spouse application would almost certainly be refused. (no refund on application fee)

    It is no fun at all to be refused spouse visa and be forced to continue an expensive and time consuming strategy to stay together.

    For what reason?? Avoidance of Visa fees?

    Don't forget also, Circumvention of Immigration Rules, Entry Visa Deception, declaration of false information etc etc.

    My best guess would be a 5 year ban from entering UK, married or not.

    Better to get married in your home country then apply as a spouse through existing procedures.

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Spouse Visa, or to marry here Fiancee Visa..... their is no other way to do it from your point of view. Stick to the legal way like everyone else on here, take the advice given, and you'll have little problem with the immigration. Trying to circumvent the rules can result in a ban from the UK.
    Keith - Administrator

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