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Thread: Gluttonous fat git sues the NHS

  1. #1
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    Gluttonous fat git sues the NHS

    A man who once weighed nearly 70 stone is to launch legal action against the NHS, claiming they failed to help him as his size soared.

    Former postman Paul Mason received life-saving gastric surgery last year binge-eating his way to gargantuan size.

    Read more:

    He's got some neck in more ways than one. It just shows how far into the compensation culture abyss this country has gone, not only do we spend thousands treating his self inflicted condition, he is allowed to take the NHS to court no doubt funded by leGAL AID

    If it was up to me I would withdraw all care and medical treatment, let him go bang and spend the money on genuine sick and handicapped people.

  2. #2
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    thats britains fattest man, he was on tv the other night
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    thats britains fattest man, he was on tv the other night
    Britain might be a shadow of it's former self in many areas but when it comes to the Worlds Fattest Man we are unbeatable

  4. #4
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    He is what bacon slicer's are made for

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by lestaxi1 View Post
    He is what bacon slicer's are made for
    No need to ask "who ate all the pies ?"

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    If it was up to me I would ... spend the money on genuine sick and handicapped people.
    May I respectfully ask what you mean by "genuine sick" ? The UK NHS can hardly cope with sickness resulting from obesity, alcohol abuse and smoking. Would you just treat those who were ill through no fault of their own ? Many illnesses result from lifestyle choices, and clearly this man is an extreme example. But boxing injuries, a pregnant mum getting flu because she forgot to get a jab, road traffic accidents and many other conditions are potentially avoidable.
    As doctors and nurses we are - or should be - non-judgemental when it comes to treating sick patients. Naturally it adds to the stress when we are victims of litigation after we have done our best - the money could be better spent, and we feel a sense of outrage. On a public forum such as this, I'm not saying "if it was up to me" WAS up to me for 35 years to provide the correct diagnosis and hence treatment, regardless of how the patients became ill, and whether or not they were grateful.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    May I respectfully ask what you mean by "genuine sick" ? The UK NHS can hardly cope with sickness resulting from obesity, alcohol abuse and smoking. Would you just treat those who were ill through no fault of their own ? Many illnesses result from lifestyle choices, and clearly this man is an extreme example. But boxing injuries, a pregnant mum getting flu because she forgot to get a jab, road traffic accidents and many other conditions are potentially avoidable.
    As doctors and nurses we are - or should be - non-judgemental when it comes to treating sick patients. Naturally it adds to the stress when we are victims of litigation after we have done our best - the money could be better spent, and we feel a sense of outrage. On a public forum such as this, I'm not saying "if it was up to me" WAS up to me for 35 years to provide the correct diagnosis and hence treatment, regardless of how the patients became ill, and whether or not they were grateful.
    By "genuine sick" I mean people with conditions that are non self inflicted "lifestyle choices" as you put it. He chose to be a greedy glutton and he should accept the inevitable consequences and not have the ungrateful brass neck to litigate against those providing taxpayer funded treatment.

    He is a prime example of the gimee, gimee it's my rights culture that has been allowed to infest society. He should stop blaming others and accept responsibility for his own actions.
    Last edited by Dedworth; 7th January 2011 at 21:16. Reason: Expanded

  8. #8
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    I'm up for this one

    I have no problem with people being treated whatever their illness,even lifestyle choice.
    Take a smoker, yes it's self inflicted if he becomes ill but he has paid plenty of duty on his fags over the years to cover any treatment he may need.

    Now Mr lard-bucket I have a problem with,OK so he was a postman but maybe not for a good few years because of his ever increasing size,at some point he obviously stopped working due to his health and then I'm quite sure was confined to his house and claimed all the benefits he was entitled to.

    He chose to be a gluttonous pig no one held a gun to his head he chose not to listen to friends,family etc,his decision not mine or yours his choice.

    Now the poor man feels we should have said oi I'm not letting you have tripple fish n chips you will get fat,Hey sir do you mind putting those 8 cans of beer back on the shelf,plus the crisps,nuts etc you will get fat.

    I'm quite sure if anyone had said that to him he would have said **** off it's up to me

    Now he has had NHS work to help reduce his size surely he should be grateful

    He wants to take more money out of the system as "compensation" he is a ******* hypocrite

    That money he takes could been used to save a childs life or illness,or someone knocked over at a pedestrian crossing by a speeding car !

    So he feels it's all the systems fault he chose to eat too much but he doesn't mind the system paying all his bill,putting a roof over his head.

    Wonder what the fat slob wants the money for pork pies and mushy peas maybe.

    Has he even considered about putting anything back into the system he so happily milks.

    He is a ****** and he can go and rot as far as I'm concerened

  9. #9
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    Well put Les Fat slobs like him are of no benefit to the private hire trade

  10. #10
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    He is an extreme and " prime example", as you put it, and I am just as unhappy as other forum members may be about his ingratitude to those treating him at taxpayers' expense. But sadly he's not the only one.
    Health service workers can't - or shouldn't - make arbitrary choices about who to treat depending on whether their conditions are "self-inflicted" ! No one actually working in the health service sets limits such as a BMI (body mass index) below 30, alcohol consumption less than 21 units (men) or 14 units (women) / week, smoking no more than 10 cigarettes a day, no illegal drugs, not having vaccinations, no dangerous sports, and no other irresponsible behaviour, before doing their best to treat the patients. We may feel exasperated enough to rant about it, but given the actual reality, we don't refuse to give the best possible treatment. How much better than in the Philippines where decisions to investigate and treat are made on whether or not the patient can pay.

  11. #11
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    well put doc

    is moaning and ranting an illness, if so i hope its not contagious
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    We may feel exasperated enough to rant about it, but given the actual reality, we don't refuse to give the best possible treatment. How much better than in the Philippines where decisions to investigate and treat are made on whether or not the patient can pay.
    Maybe the answer is rather than him being an ongoing drain on the taxpayer funded NHS with life saving operations etc it needs a Medic with balls to declare him incurable and give some sort of palliative care till he dies.

  13. #13
    Respected Member les_taxi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Well put Les Fat slobs like him are of no benefit to the private hire trade
    I got new car and he's not going to **** my suspension up

  14. #14
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    It sums up what is wrong with the NHS this Fat B_astard with a self inflicted terminal condition has resources thrown at him but if you are say for example an ex WWII Serviceman wanting to die with a bit of dignity it's "Sorry pal despite the fact that you've got a touch of dementia, you've not ticked the right boxes, you've paid too much tax over your wage earning lifetime, you own your own 2 up 2 down sh1thole, therefore we can't fund you a place in a decent care home to see out the remaining couple of weeks of your life". "Just wait over there while we roll out the red carpet for some AIDS ridden health tourists or so called asylum seekers who need a triple heart bypass"


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    He could have at least rented himself out as a bouncy castle to defray costs.

    The NHS should open rest homes in Ethiopia for such gross mountains of self-indulgent blubber.

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    Quote Originally Posted by grahamw48 View Post
    He could have at least rented himself out as a bouncy castle to defray costs.

    The NHS should open rest homes in Ethiopia for such gross mountains of self-indulgent blubber.
    Good thinking a sound bit of offshore PFI initiative in the same vein as my plan of moving prisons to Outer Karsistan run by the Singapore Prison Service

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    and he was a postman
    he should be fit as a fiddle with all that walking and riding a bike

    its crazy that he can try and sue the NHS for something he has probably inflicted on himself

  18. #18
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    bets me how someone can get like that

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    It sums up what is wrong with the NHS this Fat B_astard with a self inflicted terminal condition has resources thrown at him...

    I'm a "medic with balls" (although 2/3 of new medical graduates in the UK have ovaries) and it saddens me that you use this extreme example to induce "what is wrong with the NHS". Presumably a smoker with terminal cancer should not have expensive drugs thrown at him, and the late Gerry Rafferty should not have had terminal alcoholic liver disease treated in a top London Hospital.
    There would be many empty hospital beds if no illnesses were treated which were the consequences of self - inflicted "lifestyle choices", cutting the annual 100 billion GBP NHS budget by half at a stroke. But it would need an army of "pen-pushing administrators" to attempt to enforce these rules on doctors and nurses who are expected to do their best for ALL patients. The increased litigation which followed this unlikely nightmare scenario would be promptly re- directed from the healthcare workers to the administrators.
    Thank God my GP parents before me, and I, managed to complete many years of work in the health service doing our very best without judgement - indeed my own Dad eventually died from smoking-induced lung disease ( the NHS helped keep him alive until the age of 78). It's my pleasure now to give free advice to ANY members on this excellent forum

  20. #20
    Respected Member jimeve's Avatar
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    Glad I'M not a Paramedic,how are they goner get him out of his house. with a crane.

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Doc Alan View Post
    I'm a "medic with balls" (although 2/3 of new medical graduates in the UK have ovaries) and it saddens me that you use this extreme example to induce "what is wrong with the NHS". Presumably a smoker with terminal cancer should not have expensive drugs thrown at him, and the late Gerry Rafferty should not have had terminal alcoholic liver disease treated in a top London Hospital.
    There would be many empty hospital beds if no illnesses were treated which were the consequences of self - inflicted "lifestyle choices", cutting the annual 100 billion GBP NHS budget by half at a stroke. But it would need an army of "pen-pushing administrators" to attempt to enforce these rules on doctors and nurses who are expected to do their best for ALL patients. The increased litigation which followed this unlikely nightmare scenario would be promptly re- directed from the healthcare workers to the administrators.
    Thank God my GP parents before me, and I, managed to complete many years of work in the health service doing our very best without judgement - indeed my own Dad eventually died from smoking-induced lung disease ( the NHS helped keep him alive until the age of 78). It's my pleasure now to give free advice to ANY members on this excellent forum
    Thank you for the sermon, my mates wife is a Doc at the Royal London Hospital so I know a bit about them.

    Correct me if I'm wrong but you don't seem to mention lack of NHS care for the elderly maybe I was a bit obtuse mentioning WW11 Servicemen (and sorry yes women) being denied NHS care - I suppose I was technically wrong and should have said NHS Continuing Care

    Have a look here your right to 100% NHS funded Continuing Care
    under UK law and the Coughlan case

    Those are the sort of people NHS money should be spent on not an ungrateful bloater who was fired from the Post Office and jailed for 6 months after being convicted of stealing from the mail.

  22. #22
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    your all heart
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  23. #23
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post

    Have a look here your right to 100% NHS funded Continuing Care
    under UK law and the Coughlan case
    at the point of entry, thats why the hospital will try and get you out asap, so social services can start charging you

  24. #24
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    I thought I'd posted about this lump before - have a look at this from Oct 2009 Britains Fattest Man - Littlejohns view

    Here's a bit of what Littlejohn said then

    Mr Mason should have been Sectioned and force-fed Slim-Fast. Instead, his 'carers' indulge his 20,000-calorie-a-day junk food habit plying him round the clock with burgers, pizzas, sausages and fish and chips.

    Next to his specially-reinforced bed there is a fridge containing snacks and fizzy drinks and selection of sweets he can eat between meals without ruining his appetite.
    A team of social workers pushed him down to the local chippie twice a day in an extra-wide wheelchair.

    Sisyphus should have been so lucky. When Mr Mason became too fat to get through the door, they would fetch his food for him.
    Chip shop manager Bob Singh Pharuga said: 'It was ten times what a normal person would eat. He would order four large cod, two pies, four battered sausages and six large portions of chips. He'd wash it down with a couple of bottles of Coke.'
    He was regularly spotted rolling his wheelchair down the McDonald's drive-in lane to collect his supply of Big Macs. 'Would you like fries with that?' 'Is Tony Blair a Catholic?' Since he ballooned to 70 stone and became bedridden, his food arrives by Asda home delivery, with taxpayers picking up the £15,000-a-year bill.
    Mr Mason exists on an extensive array of welfare benefits. He has two full-time helpers to wash him and take him to the toilet. His elaborately-adapted bedroom features an assortment of winches, hoists and motors to help him sit up so he can watch television and play computer games, the only exercise he gets.

  25. #25
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    Only a matter of time...

  26. #26
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    That was brilliant Graham

  27. #27
    Respected Member dontpushme's Avatar
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    I think that man is a prime example of people growing up thinking they're entitled to anything and everything... Seriously, I don't see anything wrong with getting help if you need it (even if you caused your own problems), but putting the blame on other people so you can leech off more money is just unacceptable! Who the h*ll does he think he's fooling, pointing fingers at people like that anyway? I'd like him to name the people who twisted his arm and shoved the food down his gullet every day all those years that he was steadily growing bigger than a bus.

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by dontpushme View Post
    I think that man is a prime example of people growing up thinking they're entitled to anything and everything... Seriously, I don't see anything wrong with getting help if you need it (even if you caused your own problems), but putting the blame on other people so you can leech off more money is just unacceptable! Who the h*ll does he think he's fooling, pointing fingers at people like that anyway? I'd like him to name the people who twisted his arm and shoved the food down his gullet every day all those years that he was steadily growing bigger than a bus.
    Oooh, I'm shocked seeing those harsh words coming from such an angelic-looking lady !

  29. #29
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    you old charmer

    i one thing i did find funny watching the tv show about him, was after his op he was told the £700 a week being spent to care for him 12 hours a day was being cut to £350 a week to 6 hours a day and he started crying , i always laugh at others misfortune
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  30. #30
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    They should give him a £700 weekend away in Darfur.

    That'll give the self- pitying slob something to think about other than his next skip-load of food.

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